"What do you want, Hunter?" I asked haltingly.

He cocked his head and examined me. "Isn't it obvious? I just want to talk to you. You've not been responding to any of my texts or calls."

"That's because I didn't want to talk to you."

He grinned wider at me, unsettling me further. "But I want to talk to you. Is it so bad to see me again? I was the only one you ever wanted to see for a long time."

"That was before," I responded quietly, wrapping my arms around myself against the chill.

He studied me for a moment, his smile fading. "Yes. Before."

I swallowed thickly, trying to ignore my pounding heart and churning stomach.

"Let me go, Hunter. I won't tell anyone, but please, let me go," I pleaded.

But he was already shaking his head before I finished speaking.

"No, dolly. You see, I think we need a restart. This life won't work for us anymore, so it's time to move into the next life. You fucked everything up so very much by running from me, but I'm being kind enough to give you another chance to make it up to me in the next one."

"The next one?" I asked softly as a cold finger of fear licked up my spine.

He didn't respond but instead took a step towards me, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

My fight or flight kicked in and I scrambled sideways, taking off running. I didn't make it very far before Hunter slammed into me, taking us both to the ground. I barely felt the rough surface scrape over my bare skin as I wriggled underneath his weight. I mindlessly kicked and flailed, trying everything I could to get away from him.

It was like deja vu all over again as I struggled against him in vain. He reared back and slapped me again, causing explosions of pain across my cheek.

My movements slowed as he delivered a harsh knee to my stomach, causing me to lose my breath.

"Stop fighting me, dolly. You know this is meant to be," he grunted as he slammed both of my wrists to the ground above my head.

I wheezed out and fought back despite the iron grip he had on me. He was sitting on top of my stomach, pinning me down and glaring at me menacingly. My efforts redoubled as he transferred both of my wrists into one hand and then reached around into his back pocket for something. I couldn't let him tie me up, I had to get away!

But I failed.

He produced a pair of shiny metal handcuffs and easily snapped both my wrists together.

"No, no, no!" I cried as he stood up and grabbed my pinned hands.

"Shut up!" he shouted, before dragging me across the rough concrete back towards the car.

Tears blinded me as he slammed me against the passenger side tire. I had to get away, I couldn't let him keep me here any longer. I struggled to climb to my feet, using my bound hands to balance myself.

"Oh no you dont!" Hunter snarled, grabbing my hair and yanking me back down.

I cried out weakly as my head slammed against the side of the car and I slumped down, all of my energy suddenly zapped out of me.

I felt blood trickle down the side of my head and I cried harder. I was going to die here. And then Yoongi would die too.

Yoongi...I love you with everything that I am, I thought, sending it out into the universe and hoping against all hope he would somehow feel it.

Unwanted--BTS--Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now