Changmin sighed, leaned against the locker, and looked at his shoes. He knew he was in no position to argue, and in the first place, he didn't have the right to question any of her decisions.

But, he was in mixed feelings when it came to Sunwoo.

"I just don't want you to be hurt later," he said as a pair of shoes which he recognized as Soobin's stood closer to him. "He is a close friend of Juyeon."

As their eyes met, there was an unknown feeling tinting in. Changmin tried to light up the mood by flashing the dimple on his cheek, jokingly shoving her away saying that she would be late for her date.

It made her laugh - at least.

Changmin disliked Sunwoo because he was worried that the boy would end up turning his back on Soobin - just like others. But, right now, he seemed to be a sailor of Soobin-Sunwoo-ship.

Just how fast his mind could change?

"It should be here..." Sunwoo looked through the Maps on his phone as Soobin hit the brake and safely parked, just to make sure that they were on the correct path. "Which building?"

He intended to lead but he had lost before started.

"It's inside there," Soobin spoke up, pointing to a giant building ahead. Sunwoo gave her a look, quite surprised that she knew well despite saying that she'd never been there before. "I guess..."

Now, she regretted it. Why must she lie to Sunwoo?

The boy shrugged all the thought he was having and beckoned her to get moving. As they walked up to the entrance, he nonstop told her about his finding last night of ice skating. He was well prepared.

Somewhere between Sunwoo revising the page he logged in last night, Soobin silently was studying him. She seemed to have concluded: that Kim Sunwoo was a great example of a perfect partner.

Not only did he prepare himself for the date, but he also made sure that nothing went wrong although he also was lacking.

Just like how he assured the girl not to be afraid before they stepped onto the slippery ice.

"Slowly, okay?" He said through wavered pupils for what Soobin assumed he was afraid of as well. "1,2,3!"

He held his breath as he stepped in, and Soobin calmly followed suit. If Sunwoo paid just a little bit of attention, he could've noticed how steady the girl balanced herself to assume that she had been here a lot before.

But, he didn't because he was too ecstatic at how successful he managed to stand.

"I did it," he enchanted too enthusiastically that he might have lost his balance, Sunwoo's arms flapped vigorously, hoping for gravity to give him a little mercy not to fall. "Oh!!!"

He was ready, his head had prepared for the impact but little did he know his body moved down rather slowly as if he was in a slow-motion video.

Sunwoo's quickened heart eventually relaxed, his widened eyes immediately trailed the hands which had helped him from the big fall and met Soobin's concerned face.

Surprisingly, she was still firm on the blade shoes even when she ducked in front of him. Lucky her, she wouldn't feel the coldness on her butt, unlike Sunwoo.

"That was close," she said, huffing next.

"For the first timer, you are good," Sunwoo pondered, his dark brows jerked up which scared Soobin.

She was scared that he started doubting her or already found that she lied.

"I'm lucky I guess." She forced a smile.

The rest of the time, it was more to Sunwoo trying to move farther from the railing around the rink but he didn't dare to leave even an inch. For, it was now his comfort zone, the safest place.

And so, he was just huffing while watching other people inside the area.

However, Soobin was the opposite. Contrary to her feelings of not wanting to be here, she was standing 2 meters away from the boy, drawing a smile on her face at the sight she saw.

There was a mother and her little daughter skating together. Swiftly, they moved around the ice like princesses, hand in hand. Those pretty smiles never faded from their faces as they glided while looking at each other.

"What are you looking at?" It was then she heard his voice asking but she was standing there alone and he was nowhere by the railing by now.

Soobin wandered her eyes around until they darted to the ground - Sunwoo was crawling to get to her.

"Oh my god," Soobin facepalmed before she sat on the icy ground. "We barely did anything. We should go somewhere else."

"Why?!" The boy was furious. "I like it because you are here."

Soobin chuckled and almost rolled her eyes.

"What were you looking at?" He repeated the question. "You're too engrossed."

However, she didn't answer. She didn't know how to. How could she tell him that she was looking at the mother-daughter duo beautifully gliding around when there was nobody like such described? How could she tell him that when they were only in her head, her imagination?

"I was thinking how nice to skate around with you." She lied which Sunwoo gasped, suddenly feeling shy.

"Why don't you just tell!" He playfully shoved her which for a brief moment scared her. "But, it seems like we have a long way to go to get there."

"Right..." Soobin then laughed, understanding the joke. "We probably won't come again."

"I have always wanted to come here with my girlfriend," he said, pulling a smile on his face. "My wish is now fulfilled because I'm here today with you."

Soobin's stomach dropped, her breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat. His comment made her anxious, uneasy even. Some sort of guilt came engulfing as she intently looked at his face which looked satisfied.

He kept hoping for her to reciprocate his feelings. He would rather be in pain, and sacrifice many things for her to feel happy. But, she only lied to him.

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