In Every Universe

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3rd Person POV:

Y/N turned her head towards Jenna who's face was illuminated by the light of the tv screen. "Hey baby?" She whispered to Jenna who hummed in response, turning her head towards the younger girl. "I have a question."

"What is it, mi amor?" Jenna smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Y/N's ear.

"Do you think we'll be together in every universe? If scientists prove that there are multiple universes out there." Y/N joked while her girlfriend laughed softly, her hand clasping onto hers.

Jenna shook her head. "I don't think, I know so." The Ortega girl emphasized, Y/N smiling up at her. "We'll be soulmates in every universe."

Y/N sighed contently with her girlfriend's answer, feeling her heart flutter with happiness. "Yes we will be."


Vada Cavell smiled as she watched Y/N Y/L/N splash around in the pool at Mia Reed's house. The girl was out of town and lent them the pool for the hot summer.

Vada rolled the blunt between her fingers. "Babe?!" She called for Y/N, the younger girl diving back up to the surface, pushing her wet hair back. "Want a smoke?"

"Hell yeah!" Y/N giggled, leaping out of the pool. She waddled over to Vada who smiled in return, holding the blunt out for her to take. "Thank you, baby." Y/N thanked her girlfriend, flicking the ignition of the red lighter in her hand, watching the flame light the end of the cigarette in her hand.

"Okay." Vada crossed her arms, grabbing the blunt you lit up that you were handing to her. "I have a question."

Y/N leaned her head back against the beach chair. "What is it, hon?"

Vada blushed shyly. "Do you think we're together in every universe?" Her girlfriend raised her brows in interest. "Like a marvel movie."

Y/N hummed for a moment, letting the smoke slowly exhale through her nose. "Definitely." She confirmed, making Vada giddy. "In every universe."


"I don't know what I'd do without you." Tara Carpenter whispered to Y/N, who cleaned her face up after the group retreated back to their New York apartment for the day after the Ghostface attack.

"Die?" Y/N joked lightly which put a smile on her girlfriend's face like she intended to. Tara leaned her forehead on her shoulder, basking in the comfort bubble that Y/N casts around her to make her feel safe and loved.

"But I'm serious, Y/N/N." Tara began to whisper, her voice cracking ever so slightly. "You are my rock."

"And you're mine." Y/N repeated, grabbing Tara's hand in comfort, looking her in the eyes. "You are my everything in every universe."

Tara sniffled for a moment before playfully adding in a mumble, "Who knew you were a romantic?" That has Y/N chuckling while Tara smiled up at her, bringing her closer for a hug.


Harley Diaz set her pencil down in frustration, she would normally complete her homework faster than normal but today she was too exhausted.

"You need a break, amor." Y/N entered the room with a plate of two PB&J sandwiches that Susan made. "Too much stress is not good." She kissed the top of Harley's head, grabbing a sandwich off the plate, seeing the other one down in front of the young inventor.

"You're right." Harley sighed, lazily taking a bite out of the corner of her sandwich. "You're always right, babe." Y/N chuckled at the defeating and playful tone she used.

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