1.1K 18 56

YALL ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm now officially 15 years old for any of you guys wondering :)

So yeah I'm in high school and I don't hate it but it kinda sucks especially with this stupid heat wave going on in California.

I mostly just wanted to really say how much I appreciate you guys for all your support and love and feedback that you've given me. My account has definitely grown over the last couple months and I've never been more prouder or happier. I've met some pretty amazing people and even found myself a great relationship.

I've never been more luckier to have you guys in my life. I literally went from 30k to 44k in a week on this book and that is absolutely mind-blowing!!!

I also wanted to take this time to say that I have a bunch of story ideas. I'll tell you and you can decide which one you want to see next ONCE I finish the Wednesday one. That one must be finished first.

- Euphoria

- Hawkeye

- Stranger Things

- Babysitters Club

- High School Musical

- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Like I said, I've got tons of ideas for each of these but I just need YOU guys to decide what you want to see next. Okay? And let me know if I should continue the Heartstopper or The Fallout one. Lemme know if I should discontinue it and re-edit it to be better or what? Tell me.

But once again, thank you all so much! I literally love you all 🫶🏻 your the best and I'm eternally grateful for all the kindness you guys have shown. I've had the opportunity to meet some people I follow who have tons of followers and have stories that I look up to. It's been great.

Sophomore year baby. I'm hoping this'll be a good one. Last year my fucking mental health just like dropped so much but this year it's been better. (Props to bestie for saving me 🤪)

But uh yeah I think that's everything! I'm trying to STILL fulfill a request of part 3 for Stethoscope and it's been hard with all the school work and shit but I'll definitely post it either this weekend or the beginning of next week. IM TRYING YALL.

Not to mention I've kinda taken some time to just focus on me and my friendships/relationship so I can make sure im doing okay with everything and my mental health isn't... so bad but it's no good either but hey who's isn't nowadays?

Anyway, i fucking love all of you! Many thanks to all of my supporters and followers, you truly are amazing!

Reminder: GO DRINK WATER! I know some y'all might've not (like me) so go drink some now. And eat if you haven't, that's VERY important. I know I know I'm learning to eat more again too. Sleep if you're tired and stretch so you're not so stiff or sore or whatever. LOVE YOU!

Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now