Cara Mia

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Y/N's POV:

I know Wednesday might not be the nicest person on the planet, but to me, her girlfriend, she is a big old softie. She's so sweet, caring, and thoughtful. It's a big change but I'm the only one who sees that side of her.

Currently I'm laying in her bed as I listened to the flaming sounds of her typewriter go at it. Some and Thing were playing a game of uno and I happened to be winning.

"Uno!" I cheered, chuckling as Thing threw his cards down.

"Amor." Wednesday said softly, reminding me that I had to keep quiet for her writing time.

"Oh yeah, sorry love." I chuckled quietly, smiling when she squeezed my shoulder gently as she went back to typing.

Me and Thing were now looking through my phone that was filled with photos I took of Wednesday... well... more like forced her to take. Some of us kissing, her hugging me from behind, when we watched horror movies together. So many memories.

"What are you guys up to, Cara Mia?" Wednesday's soft voice called out as she still worked. That nickname, she knew I love that name. It warmed my heart every goddamn time and I can already feel my cheeks heating up.

"Looking through the pictures I have of us in my phone." It didn't take a genius to know that she rolled her eyes but I knew she was smiling as she did so. As much as she hates pictures, she loves me even more so she'd do anything to make me happy.

I'm going to sleep. Thing tapped, I chuckled watching him bury himself in Enid's blankets. I smiled as I stood up, walking over to Wednesday, positioning myself in her lap.

I watched as her breath hitched, she stopped typing and moved her hands to wrap them around my waist. "Hello baby." She greeted, looking down at me but instead of her usual cold eyes, they're warm and soft.

"Hi. Thing's sleeping." I informed her, watching her nod, and kissing my forehead. "Are you still working?"

"Not anymore." She smirked, lifting me up and setting me down in her bed, sliding into bed next to me as she cuddled me from behind. "Goodnight, Cara Mia."

"Goodnight, Wends." I whisper tiredly, melting in her arms but my heart racing as my cheeks heat up from that nickname.

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