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Warning: mentions of abuse, panic attack
Requested by Jangofettjamz

3rd Persons POV:

Y/N's palms were sweaty, she felt her knees buckle as she tucked her face between her legs, hugging her knees to her chest. Her breathing began picking up a little as the memories flashed in her mind, the worst day to remember. Today marks the day of one year since she was last abused by her toxic ex. She could feel the tears stinging in her eyes as she couldn't escape those haunting nightmares. She could still feel all the bruises and scars she had to cover up, all the trauma and fear of someone else attacking her. She escaped it but she never did mentally or emotionally. She was physically in a better place with a better person but she never really got over it.

Her heart rate started to increase by the minute and the sweat started to form on her forehead as tears began spilling down her cheeks. She began sobbing as she threw herself under the covers, hiding away from everything.


Jenna had waited all day impatiently to get home to her girlfriend and now was the time she had waited for. She drove home at an incredible speed and entered the house to be met with dead silence and all the lights shut off in the living room. "Y/N? Baby?" She called out, flicking the lights on as she kicked her shoes off and hanging her coat up. Her concern grew as she noticed Y/N's phone on the couch.

Jenna slowly walked up the stairs as she noticed their bedroom door creaked open, she pushed it further open to see a huge lump under the covers on their bed. Jenna furrowed her eyebrows before she heard the soft sobs coming from under them. She walked in worriedly and carefully peaked under the comforter to see her girlfriend sobbing with puffy, red eyes and tear stained cheeks. Jenna immediately sat down, pulling her girl into her lap, cradling her, she could feel Y/N's ragged breaths on her neck and she could practically hear the Y/H/C girls heart rate thumping out of her chest.

"Baby, I need you to calm down for me." When the brunette's words fell on death ears, she reached over while keeping Y/N in her arms, she grabbed the stethoscope her mother had given her and put it on. She placed it on top of her girlfriends chest to hear the nonstop, inhumanly speed of her heart beating which made her worry. "Y/N, look at me." Y/N made eye contact with her as her breathing became irregular. "You're okay, baby. I promise, it's just me. You're okay, you're okay." Those words made Y/N bury her face in the girls neck as Jenna could hear her heart rate going down slowly through the stethoscope.

Jenna felt relief fill her body as she exhaled slowly. "That's it baby. Take deep breaths with me okay? In, out. In, out. Just like that, sweetie." Her soft voice seemed to calm the Y/E/C girl down as her breathing became slow and calming, her heart beat was much slower than before. "You're okay, my love. I love you so much and I will always protect you. No matter what." With that promise, Jenna could feel Y/N slowly drifting off, so she took the stethoscope off and set it aside, leaning back on their bed and holding Y/N in her arms, the Y/H/C girl nuzzled into her chest while Jenna rocked her back and forth till she fell asleep, feeling protected and safe with her girlfriend.


I was in tears while making this 😭

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