Shes mine

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Requested by haileeismywife26

Harley's POV:

I laid with Y/N in between my legs, resting on my front. She hummed appreciatively when I started to give her light head scratches. I checked the time which made me groan under my breath.

"Babe? It's almost 8." I say and she whines a little.

"Aw man." She said and stood up, throwing her hoodie on. "Sorry amor. I love you." She smiled, I smiled widely as I watched my girlfriend crawl out the window, giving me a long kiss before jumping down to climb over the fence to her house.

I sigh blissfully as I watch her get inside safely before I shut my window, my smile glued to my face. I was about to return to fixing my new invention when I heard a knock on my door, Ethan walks in.

"Hey bro." I nod and he leaned against the door frame with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"Hey Harls. Can I tell you something?" He fiddled with his thumbs.

"Sure." I turn my attention to him and watch him take a breath.

"You know Y/N? Our neighbor right?"

My girlfriend I thought before shaking my head and replying to him. "Yeah, why?"

"Well I kinda have a crush on her."


"Huh?" I blink, trying to avoid rolling my eyes when I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest. "You like her?"

"Yeah! She's so sweet and pretty!" He exclaimed, nodding his head and his ridiculous hair bounced.


I cleared my throat and forced a smile on my face. "Good for you bro."

"Thanks Harls." He smiled brightly and once he left I walk calmly over to my pillow before screaming into it.


Ever since Ethan told me he had a crush on my girlfriend, I told Y/N that I was ready to announce our relationship to my family and she easily agreed. Oh I can't wait to see the look on his face.

"You guys might be wondering why I've gathered you here." I started as my family raised their brows at me, I was about to say something when the door opened, revealing my beautiful girl. I noticed Ethan's heart eyes immediately and I almost, almost, wrapped my protectively around her waist.

"Hey everyone." Y/N smiled and waving to them as she stood next to me. We looked at each other before sighing.

"Me and Y/N are... dating." I smile and my parents stand up immediately jumping up and down with wide smiles. Y/N laughed in shock as my eyes widened but a small smirk came on my lips when Ethan's jaw dropped.

"FINALLY!" Georgie cheered, hugging both of us tightly we almost ran out of air.

"Congrats." Rachel said and gave us each a shoulder pat.

"You break her heart, I break you." Daphne threatened Y/N who just smiled and nodded, giving her a wink as a promise.

"So... I'm guessing that she's off limits then?" Ethan came over and asked me as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Definitely. Shes mine." I smirk as he let out defeated sigh. I wrap my arms around Y/N's waist and kiss her softly, both us smiling widely.


I hope you guys like this!

This was my first request so it was fun to make :)

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