Alone with you

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2nd Person POV:

You had known for a while since the shooting happened, that your girlfriend was struggling. Majorly. But you also knew how closed off Vada could be, so you didn't push her when she felt uncomfortable.

But today you got a call from her parents. They had explained how she literally broke down in tears, destroying her room and how they needed you to come over immediately.

So you did. You live 10 minutes away.

But you for there in 3.

When you walked in, her mom and dad were sat on the couch, anxiously worried for their oldest daughter. You saw Vada's sister with a worried look as well. They all looked at you with relief and hope.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." You smiled, nodding as you slowly walked to the back rooms, your hand lingering on Vada's bedroom door handle before opening it.

Vada was a decently organized person, but to see her entire room a mess, you were deeply concerned. Speaking of your girlfriend, she was sitting in the little bay window area she had, her knees tucked in her chest as you slowly approached her.

You opened the curtain to get a good look of her, seeing the dark bags under her eyes, her hair a mess, her clothes dirty, and her face so deeply pale. She almost looked like a ghost. You frowned, crouching down as refused to look at you, staring out the window and ignoring your presence.

"Baby." You spoke softly. Vada didn't want to face the look of disappointment on your face when she heard her favorite voice of all time. She just let out a quiet sigh, keeping her head turned away from you. "Baby, can you please look at me?"

Vada turned her head towards you, finally, and instead of disappointment on your face, you had a soft expression. She wanted to cry.

Oh god, she missed you like crazy.

"Vads-" You didn't even have a chance to finish what you were saying, as your girlfriend was already crashing into your arms, sobbing into your shoulder as you slowly fell to the floor, holding her close to you. She clung to you, gripping your shirt tightly, afraid that you'd leave her (as if you would ever). "It's okay. Shh, I'm here." You cooed and eventually she did calm down.

You gently laid her in bed, kissing her forehead soothingly, watching her fall asleep. You gave her your hoodie, since you knew it'd help make her feel better and eventually she would fall asleep.

You stood up, glancing around the room. It wasn't so bad but it wasn't good either. So you spent about a good 2 hours, quietly and carefully cleaning it up to how Vada had it originally.

When you finished, you could hear movement from the bed, seeing Vada awake as she looked at you. "Hey." You said calmly and gently. "You okay?"

Vada shrugged. "I want to be alone." You sighed to yourself, figuring she'd just push you away again, and when you were about to walk to the door, your thoughts were proven otherwise. "Alone with you." She said quietly and you smiled slightly, walking over to sit in her bed with her.

Vada immediately found herself in your lap, kissing your cheek as she made herself comfortable again, resting her head against your chest. The sound of your slow breaths and steady heartbeats helped her fall asleep again.

You smiled when you heard her cute snores, kissing her head before you rubbed her back, letting her get all the much needed rest she could.


Y'all pray for Israel rn, they need all the blessings they can get. If you live there, I wish you the best and I hope you are safe and healthy. Much love and blessings 🫶🏻🙏🏻

Jenna Ortega ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ