The Girlfriend Effect

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2nd Person POV:

Wednesday had a scowl on her face the whole time you hooked your arm through hers, but deep down, she was internally smiling.

The two of you have been dating for a good 3 months now, and Wednesday couldn't be happier. Nobody could tell but you and Enid since behind closed doors, she's a big softie.

But she would've never been that way if it wasn't for you meeting her.

It was the girlfriend effect.

When you and Wednesday first met, she thought you were an annoying, enthusiastic, and pick me girl but when she found out you were her roommate along with Enid, she took the time (not like it was a choice) to get to know the real you.

She found out that you're actually a sweet person with a big heart and the reason you have energy is because you only wish to see smiles on people's faces. And you managed to make a small one appear on Wednesday's one day, which was a very victorious day in your opinion.

But before you started dating, Wednesday never really considered people's feelings before. Like Enid, or Thing's, for example. So when you did start dating, you had taught her to be a bit more kinder to one's closer to her.

You didn't give a damn how mean she was to strangers.

But overtime she also became more protective. Before, she didn't care what happened to anyone, but now, she wanted to protect Enid, Thing, and you. Especially you.

She almost stabbed a kids eyeball out with a pencil because he was too close to you.

But then again she was possessive but not too possessive to the point you didn't want to be with her. But at the same time, it was Wednesday after all.

Anyway, the point was the girlfriend effect on Wednesday was noticed by a lot of people around Nevermore.

Enid was the one who first discovered the before and after effects of the goth girl dating you.

The first effect she noticed: her patience.

Wednesday wasn't a very patient person. Obviously. But with the help of you or her just learning from you by watching, Wednesday soon became less of an impatient person.

Only slightly though...

The second effect: she showed more affection.

Someone like Wednesday hates physical touch but when it came to you, she secretly loved it. She would always have her pinkie hooked with yours or her arm around your waist. She felt the need to always be glued to the hip with you. She even liked cuddling with you. She enjoyed the feeling of you between her legs, your back against her front while she played with your hair, you telling her random facts and thoughts.

The third effect: her style.

Colors. Wednesday hated anything... colorful. But you forced her to wear a dark blue shirt one time and she wore it a lot longer than you thought she would.

You also, somehow, managed to get her to wear matching Christmas pajamas. And you better bet the colors were bright as hell but Wednesday only did it for you.

The fourth effect: she lets you take whatever you want.

You stole her hoodies, jackets, and shirts from her. Wednesday would get angry at first, when you were two weeks into your relationship but eventually she pretended she never noticed. Because when she caught you wearing her clothes, her heart exploded.

And the fifth effect: her smile.

A sight you never thought you'd see was Wednesday Addams smiling. It first happened when she took you out on a date, a picnic date, (unusual for the goth girl) but she cracked a small smile when you accidentally got some frosting on your nose from the cupcakes she brought.

She thought the sight was the cutest thing ever. So whenever you did cute shit like that, she smiled. It was small, but always genuine and when in public, she did try to hide it.

In fact, right now, Wednesday just so happened to smiling, watching you from across the room as you gossiped with Enid and painted your nails with her Thing as well. She was reading her book and she heard your affectionate laugh and her eyes immediately glanced up at you. Your smile was bright and your eyes were sparking. She truly had never seen a better sight in her entire life.

And you... were the only person she'd smile for.

Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now