I was in love

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I should have noticed it — the subtle shifts, the cracks in your facade—but I was too caught up in the whirlwind of love. My youth and naivety blinded me to the truth.

I was in love.

Your hypocrisy, veiled by your charm, danced around us like a delicate web, ensnaring my trust. Empty promises hung in the air, shimmering with false hope, while broken bridges whispered of the fractures in our connection.

I was in love.

Every kiss, every touch, and every hug, engraved in the fabric of our story, seemed to hold the promise of forever. But beneath the surface, lies festered like hidden wounds, staging the pages of our love with deceit.

I was in love?

I questioned everything, always wondering why. Why were we so unhappy? Why did our paths cross? Why did I fall in love? Why did I surrender to Cupid's illusion? Why did you hurt me? Why was I never enough? Each unanswered "why" echoed in the hollow spaces of my heart.

I loved you.

Sitting before the mirror, I traced the outline of my reflection, searching for answers in the fragments of my fractured self. The room enveloped in darkness, a suffocating embrace that mirrored the depths of my despair.

Shadows danced across the walls, weaving tales of love and betrayal, as I grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within me. Love and hate collide in a tumultuous storm, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Did I love you...

Apollo—your name, once whispered with reverence, now lingered on my lips like a curse.

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