Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Published: 1/24/2024

Draco woke up feeling refreshed. Harry had only stayed until ten, saying Draco needed a full night's sleep. It had been nearly two weeks since Harry had started coming over for dinner. Occasionally, they went to Ron and Hermione's, but Harry liked staying at Blaise's more. Draco happily assumed it was because Blaise and Neville promptly disappeared after dinner, and Harry didn't want an audience. But Blaise just had to be the one to point out that Draco had his healing sessions in the morning, and then Harry started putting a limit on how long he would stay over.

They would talk about everything from Draco's physical therapy sessions and things that Draco had missed over the years. Harry wasn't the best person to fill him in on the goings-on of their classmates. Harry did tell him about rebuilding Hogwarts, the funerals, Auror training, and where he thought everyone went after the war. He glossed over his assault but talked more about the healer training while they cuddled on the couch. Unfortunately, Harry never touched him beyond light contact while they were next to each other and holding each other's hands.

Harry also never tried to follow him into his room, even in the rare instance that Draco had to use the loo. Draco had to use the loo in his room as there were grips that he could use to get up and down, if needed, but Harry would remain in the common areas. Draco understood his hesitation and, unlike the Gryffindor, he had patience. He could take this slow... even if Harry was going to dress like a male model every day. Harry had worn a new outfit every day since that first time. Each was more tight-fitting and smart-looking than the last. Fuck, Harry was just taunting him.

Patience, Draco reminded himself as he got up and dressed, before going to the dining room for breakfast. Blaise and Neville were already there, as always.

"How was your date with Potter last night?" Blaise asked, smirking.

"Short, no thanks to you," he grumbled, but sat down as Nimi, the house elf Blaise had retained, set a plate of healthy food in front of him.

"Thank you, Nimi," he said, and the elf bowed.

"You need your sleep and not let Potter wind you up all night long. Have you even told him that you work in the morning?"

"I don't call it work."

"Really? What do you call it? Training?" Blaise shot back.

"I just say mind healing. It's what Carla is doing," he stated. It was the one thing Draco didn't openly discuss, and Harry never asked about it. Draco knew Harry was terrified of mind healing and Legilimency, and he had no desire to tell him that he was learning to do it easier and with greater skill.

"Yeah... sure. Eat your breakfast. Are you coming back tonight?"

"Of course, I'm not sleeping on Weasley's couch."

Neville smirked but refrained from suggesting something lude. He was a considerate host and seemed to understand that neither Harry nor Draco wanted that kind of relationship, yet anyway.

Blaise did, too. "I meant for dinner."

"Probably, Harry didn't say anything about going over there. Why?"

"Theo and Astoria want to come over to see you," Blaise explained.

Draco frowned. "I don't know how Harry will handle it. He doesn't know them very well."

"Ask... and then you can decide to go to Harry's or bring him here."

Draco nodded, and after he had done his morning stretches, he went to his mind healer training. There, he endured two hours of a mental workout before returning for his hour of physical therapy.

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