And when the reply finally came, both Kevin and Eric dramatically gasped.

'You can say that we're closer by now.'

Eric whipped his head towards Sunwoo across from him, and a mischievous smile slowly formed on his face resulting in Sunwoo guessing that they'd received the confirmation.

"Your flirts have gone up another level, huh?" Eric's brows wriggled and Sunwoo suddenly felt shy. "Are you planning to tell Juyeon about it?"

Silence then fell upon them. Kevin stopped typing, and Sunwoo stopped breathing while Eric was anticipating. However, judging from the lover boy's face, Eric could tell that Sunwoo hadn't been thinking about that yet.

"Actually, he has no right to know either," Kevin spoke up instead of Sunwoo before his focus went back to his phone. "But, it's up to you."

Kevin was seen smiling - not because of his advice but the amount of focus he planted in his phone, which made Eric's curiosity jerk to the highest level.

"What are you doing?" He launched the fastest reflex of his body and snatched the phone away from its owner's hand.


"Oh my god!" Eric's eyes widened upon reading the exchanged texts between Kevin and Soobin. He showed the screen to Sunwoo as he tutted. "Are you sure Soobin is not a two-timer? What is this?"

Sunwoo squinted his eyes to read it better. But he couldn't catch it all because Kevin snatched the device back from Eric. However, one text caught his attention - sent from Kevin: see you soon, I miss and love you too.

"Soobin would never cheat..." Kevin defended the girl. To be the subject of a broken relationship - never mind it hadn't happened yet, was never his plan. "She... I... Urm..."

"Bro," Sunwoo slightly kicked his leg under the table, and the older groaned, cutting his stammer. "I understand."

Kevin messed his hair, tugging them off their roots. There seemed to be something interrupting his mind, the boys could tell.

"What is it, bro?" Eric offered his ears to be lent. "Spill."

At that, the older sat up straight - slightly hesitant, but the assurance he received from them both somehow made him surrender.

"If I need to tell the truth, I'm not only missing her but all of them." He sighed, a set of memories was playing in his head. "I really want us to be like before. But, it's impossible I guess."

"They were angry because you're not siding with Soobin after the breakup? Only that?" Eric questioned and he swore he saw Kevin's eyes soften before a deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Changmin was angry at me because I never said my stance. But..." He trailed off for what seemed like he was engulfed in hesitancy. It looked like something personal, something he would call a secret. "Actually, it's not about the breakup."


"Wait..." And finally, Sunwoo spoke up after so long being in silence. "Is that mean, the beef Soobin and Juyeon have is not about the breakup? So, it's about something else?"

"Maybe Soobin is holding only 30% grudges over the breakup. The balance..." He paused again and this time both of the younger were eager to hear. But, their hopes fell hitting the ground and eventually shattered into dust when Kevin added, "You guys don't have to know. It's a forgotten story. Not important."

Maybe Kevin was right about everything. About the grudges Chae Soobin had, and the forgotten story. Or maybe, Kevin was wrong. Perhaps, if he told them the story, something probably would change.

However, Sunwoo believed in fate. If it was meant to find him, then one day he would find it out. Maybe not from Kevin, he would find it directly from Soobin.

What was mattered: the timing.

"I think, you should go to the cafe and meet Chanhee. Talk to him." Sunwoo said as he pushed the chair and jolted up. "But not today, we are still off."

"Do you think he will talk to me?" Kevin wore a sad expression. "You saw how Changmin pushed me away too."

"They are different, bro," Sunwoo assured, a piece of the past replayed itself before he said, "If Chanhee could talk to Juyeon, why not to you?"

At that, Kevin slowly lit up the brightness on his face, and a set of white pearl teeth flashed in as he was drowning in his feelings. It seemed like he already pictured the upcoming situation, he felt butterflies roaming in his stomach.

And Eric was amused. It proved that Kevin sincerely wanted to fix the broken friendship. For, he valued his friends the most.

The subtle move of Sunwoo then walking away didn't go unnoticed, Eric whipped his head and called his friend before the boy could disappear.

"Where are you going, Sunwoo?"

Turning on his heels at the question and walking backward, Sunwoo said, "A private class with Chae Soobin. A date."

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