As I fell into our practiced routine and moved my body to the music, I felt myself relaxing more and more. I had been trying to fight off the nerves I was feeling about performing for everyone, but it was proving to be a difficult task. It was a little bit ironic that the thing that was causing me the most anxiety was also the thing that settled me.

After we had run through the routine twice, Jimin switched it up on me and made me do the charleston with him. He had been watching a historical k-drama and the main leads apparently loved to go dancing. Once he saw them doing the signature dance, he was all about trying it out.

"Ahh, this is crazy!" I laughed.

Jimin grinned back at me as he held onto my arms while we kicked our feet out and trotted over the dance floor.

"Isn't this so much fun?" he asked as he twirled me around.

I giggled and let him swing me around a few more times. We were both laughing so hard we could barely stand up once the song finished. I fell to the floor and laid there while Jimin danced around me, showing off his dancing prowess.

"You're too funny Chim!"

"I know, I'm the best!"

After Jimin tired of running around, we rested for a bit and then ran through our routine once more. Once we finished, I gathered up my things and gave Jimin a hug goodbye.

"Tomorrow is the big day! Are you excited?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah. Nervous...but I'm ready."

"You're going to be perfect."

I scoffed against his sweaty skin. "No, you'll be perfect. I'll be trying not to make a fool of myself in front of my soulmate and my idols."

He pulled back and looked me dead in the eye. "Sabrina, hush! You're the star of the show. I'm just the back-up dancer. You're going to shine, I'll make sure of it!"

I bit my lip and pinned him with a grateful look.

"You're the best Chim Chim."

He stepped back from me and ran a hand through his hair, giving me a haughty look. "Oh, I know darling!"

"Pfft okay. I'm going now. See you tomorrow!" I said, rolling my eyes.

He waved me off and went back to stretching out. I knew he'd stay in the studio a bit longer to work on his own choreo. The man was a freaking machine.


The next afternoon, I stared at myself in the mirror of one the smaller practice rooms, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't know why I was so anxious. It wasn't like I was getting up and performing in front of hundreds of thousands of people like Yoongi does. This was just a simple performance for my closest friends.

I also didn't know why I bothered to put any effort into my appearance, but Jimin insisted that we treat this like a public performance. He stated that my work had value and that it was worthy of being recognized as such. Outside of Yoongi, he was my biggest cheerleader and I loved him dearly. Even if he was a pain in my ass sometimes.

Not to mention that he spent several hours begging me to let him record it. He was determined to post it later on–with my face blurred out of course–but he said our dance was too good to let go to waste.

And one day, when I was ready, he would reveal my identity. Bowing to peer pressure, I very reluctantly agreed but as I felt my stomach tighten with nerves, I found myself regretting it.

I took a deep breath in and ran a hand down my hair. I had opted to leave it loose and flowing because I felt like it added a little something extra to our choreo. My make up was light and natural, staying in theme with keeping things simple.

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