Chapter 54: Coola

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In this: Coola, Serendipity, Serena

*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


After studying the list in the taxicab, I decide upon trying the B&B first since it is closest. The taxi drops me off at the quaint and cozy Bed and Breakfast, where I now stand in front of a three-story Victorian house. A wooden sign hangs above the front entrance on chains with the name of the B&B, The Serapure.

Even though it is nighttime, I can still make out the look of the place due to a decent amount of light illuminating the building. It's basically bathed in white lighting to ensure anyone at night can see.

Light filters out from the windows and porch lights illuminate the exterior. Twinkle lights wrap around the trees and line the residence.

The building is painted a light, baby-powder blue. The roof and turret are covered in wooden octagon shingles. White wooden beams and columns line the wrap around porch, terrace, and windows. A chimney sprouts up from the top of the building, no doubt leading to the lobby or living room of the business.

I make my way through a white picket fence that surrounds the perimeter, indicating the border of the B&B. The cobblestone path I walk upon is lined with white lights filling the hedges, blooming flowerbeds, and cute bushes with colorful flowers.

Approaching the front steps, I can't help but notice the wrought iron, antique lampposts standing in front of the B&B. They match the others throughout Dragon's Hollow that turn on at night except for the color. These are painted white where the others are black.

The lampposts illuminate the potted plants and flowers sitting on the porch near the windows and entryway. I admire the flowers' beauty brought on by spring a moment more before I move forward.

A wooden porch swing sits on two sides of the wrap around porch. I assume they are for guests to sit and enjoy their stay. I watch as they gently sway in the breeze.

Climbing the steps, the wood creaks beneath my feet.

Walking across the porch, I take a deep breath, turn the crystal doorknob, and head inside.

Compared to the night, the light inside pours over me, temporarily blinding me. I shield my eyes with my hand until my eyes adjust. Once adjusted, I look around the room.

A beautiful woman with dark blonde hair, tan skin, and a bright smile stands behind a tall, wooden reception desk. She is wearing a frilly peach dress with white lace.

Approaching her, I remove my billfold from my purse.

"Welcome to The Serapure, a comfy home away from home!" She says in a chipper voice. "Some have even said, their experience here is like a warm hug!" She darts her hand out toward me, "I'm Serendipity Purjoy!" Her bright smile reaches her big gray eyes, which also seem to shine with joy. "But you can call me Sere if you want."

"Coola Polridge," I offer, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you! Are you looking to book a room?!" she asks joyfully.

Nodding, I tell her, "Yes."


"I actually have been referred to you by a woman named Kenzi, from the police station." I take out the piece of paper from my pocket and unfold it.

She clasps her hands with delight as her smile widens even more. "I know Kenzi, such a wonderful person!"

My mood and seriousness pales in comparison to hers. "Yes, well, she wrote down your name, the B&B, the address, and your phone number." I hold out the paper.

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