Chapter 36: Myra

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*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


I resume my meal while mother is pouring father's bloody drink. I glance at my parents who are happily consuming human food. Instead of eating human food and drinking blood, I chose blood and a rare steak.

Both my parents and I are vampires. My mother, Zena became one in 52 A.D. while my father, Alexander became a vampire in 87 A.D.

It helps that they both became vampires in their late teens in order for others to not stare at their actual age gap of thirty-four years.

Mother was eighteen and father was nineteen when they were turned. Because of their youthful appearance, it enables us to remain living in the same location for fifteen to twenty years without really getting questioned.

We always told people it was good genes, but now since science has evolved, we use the excuse of both good genes and facial crèmes or plastic surgery. For those in the castle that don't age or age very slowly, they use these same or similar excuses.

Thankfully, since we found Donovan Castle, we haven't had to move once. On occasion, someone becomes suspicious and starts asking questions. Thus, we still have to lie about what we are to the human population that doesn't know about us.

Over the years, my parents gradually learned to eat human food so they can hide among the humans without being suspected. I on the other hand, am still struggling to adapt to regular human food. I would much rather have humans as food.

Alexander looks over at me and points to my plate. "Eat."

I glare at him and then my raw steak.

"I'll cook it for you if you prefer," father offers in order to persuade me to consume this uncooked, unmacerated slice of cow.

"Raw is better," I muter.

Father picks up my steak knife and hands it to me. "Then eat."

"Yes, Father." I stab it with a knife and cut a piece off before putting it in my mouth. I hesitantly chew. Still not as good as humans. Drinking my food is also easier than this incessant maceration.

As I eat, I try and occupy my mind on other things.

Azure eyes my hesitancy to eat my steak, before shifting to my parents who easily consumes the human food before them. She clears her throat. "So...Zena, Alexander. When did you guys begin cooking and eating human food?"

Zena places her fork down and rests her hands in her lap. "We began eating it quite some time ago. I do not recall exactly. Although, Alexander and I began to enjoy the taste of human food around 239 A.D., well before Myra's time."

Alexander continues when Zena takes a drink of her blood. "Discovering the love of human food again after so long sparked a passion in cooking. Which is why I became a chef in 245 A.D. I remained one for thirteen years, from 249 to 262, in Paris, France. I only quit my job there so people wouldn't start to notice I was not aging."

"Where did you go?" Azure questions before taking a bite of her food.

"We moved around until I could find a new chef position. Of course, some places I had to start from the bottom and work my way up. Each chef cooks differently, further teaching me new traits." Alexander gestures to Zena as he takes a few bites of food.

Zena smiles, reclining in her chair. "Since then, Alexander has been a chef at multiple locals around the world. He even has multiple restaurants under different aliases that cater to both humans and supernaturals. Of course, you will have to be in the know to access the supernatural menu, just like those secret menu items at specialty restaurants."

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