Chapter 18: Kenzi & Lady Heather

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*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


I drive down the long winding road through the twisted trees and turn toward the gate of Donovan Castle. I unlock the gate by pressing the button which makes the gates open. I drive my car inside and down the long walkway. Instead of driving my car to the parking garage to the right, I park it in front of the castle. I turn off the car, take the keys out of the ignition, and climb out. I run into the castle to say hi to everyone before I pack for my camping trip with Oscar and Lucas Howlin in a forest past Angels City. I chose this one because it's less conspicuous of the others around here. Plus, I chose to camp with them outside of town so they're far enough away from Donovan Castle. Oscar and Lucas are brothers that I've known for a while. I first met Lucas at my job and eventually was introduced to Oscar. Lucas is older than Oscar and is a handsome man with scars on his face from something that I plan to ask him about someday. Oscar is a lanky man with a boyish quality about him.


*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


After trying out and wearing my elegant new dress, I come to the conclusion that this is what I will be wearing for years, I mean today. I continue to forget that I can now change clothing. I love how it feels and moves with my body. I have not had a new dress in such a long time. I run my hands over the fabric, enjoying the texture. Adjusting my hair while floating down the hall, I halt to a stop when a woman, possibly mid-teens to late-teens with light-dark-brown hair and physically fit, but curvy figure also halts in front of me. We stare at each other for a long moment as she looks me up and down.

She blinks a few times, "Who are you?"

"Lady Heather Donovan, it is a pleasure meeting you." I give her a nod in acknowledgment.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Kenzi." She holds out her hand, but I just stare at it, not sure what to do. She drops her hand, "If you're Lady Heather, then you came to the castle in 1746, correct?"

"Yes, my dear. My husband and I built this castle."

"Whoa, wait! Where have you been? I have never seen you before aside from the portraits."

"That is because I've been locked in a room here since 1759 due to the previous tenant."

"Oh, well I am glad you are out now. I've been here since 1761. Do you know my sister?"

I tilt my head, "Your sister?"

"Yeah, her name is Selene. Have you met her yet?"

I nod, "Yes. She is very nice."

"Yes, she is. I better be going, but I hope you have a great day. TTYL!" She waves to me and starts on her way.

"What does TTYL mean?"

She stops and turns back to me. "Oh, my apologies; I've adapted to things such as modern lingo, I mean language. TTYL means 'talk to you later.' I just say, talk to you later instead of using the acronym. I will continue that from now on around you, unless I am talking to people who use that language often."

"No worries, dear. Thank you for explaining," I nod to her, smiling.


*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


"You're very welcome. Okay bye!" I run off while Lady Heather continues on her quest to wherever she is headed. I enter the Dressing Room and see Gothica Craven-Morganstein going through the skull patterned clothing. "Hey, Gothica, I just met Lady Heather! She's very nice, although, she appears to be stuck in time and not adapting very well."

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