Chapter 11: Kenzi, Insanity, Howard Lewandowski

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I've been gone the past few days taking care of some 'supernatural business' for Chief Lewandowski. I got a call from my twin, Selene, about the intruders coming by the castle. When I first decided to go into the law enforcement business, Selene wasn't happy because it put me and my family at risk of being discovered or kidnapped. 

However, she wasn't worried that put me in harm's way, because I've been able to come back to life since before, I joined law enforcement. If I get shot, killed, or injured, I'll just heal and or come back to life. Everyone at the castle is like one big family, all taking care of and looking after each other, even if they don't always show it.

I decided to use my FBI credits I've had for over a decade to follow up on our intruders to see if anything came of it. Fortunately, nothing arose because what Selene and the others did, the compulsion from Selene and manipulation by Nesaia made the intruders seem like a bunch of crazies; which means they had no credibility as to why they were there because their babble about cat people and ghosts made them sound insane and some go insane. 

Thank goodness Insanity Manic Wilde didn't get ahold of them, they'd really have gone crazy if she had. I'm so grateful for my awesome friends and family! The chief will keep the most of the intruders in lockup until he has to release them. 

For now, they're in jail in Dragon's Hollow and I'm taking the crazies to The Fallen Angels Asylum for the Reality-Challenged in Angels City. At least there, Insanity and her staff can watch over them.

Insanity's abilities are manipulation, mirage generation, sedation, and driving people insane.

At the asylum, she can do just about anything she wants since she owns the place. However, she tries to control herself since the supernatural government has regulations and restrictions. 



Walking the halls of The Fallen Angels Asylum for the Reality-Challenged in Angels City, I pass my staff and coworkers. Some are doing paperwork and others are helping patients. 

"Hey, Sadie," one coworker says as she waves to me kindly. I go by Sadie to most humans instead of Insanity because they think that's a strange name. I find it rather fitting.

Workers in black and blue scrubs are helping haul in some individuals that had crossed the gates of Donovan Castle. When I heard they had crossed the barrier and intruded my home, I feared for my friends. Although, I shouldn't have worried since they are easily able to take care of threats from humans. However, anything is possible and with the invention of weapons, humans have posed more of a threat of us supernaturals.

I've been around since 1579 and I've seen a lot of change in humanity and psychology. I even went to school for decades to keep learning about the human brain, psyche, and mental disorders. It's also helped me understand my patients better. I became a mentalist and psychiatrist years ago, but I've constantly updated my degree in order to keep my title valid.

As soon as I enter my office, Corax Niq, a fellow supernatural being who lives at Donovan Castle, walks in. She's also a psychologist and psychiatrist. She, however, specializes in the supernatural and human psychology. She hands me a tablet containing patient information. "I finished observing them men from the castle. The guys placed them in their separate rooms."

"Thank you, Corax."

"If there's anything you need, just let me know."

"Will do." I sit back in my chair and read my patient's files.

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