Chapter 37: Tiffany, Luna, Starla, Iris

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Before, during, and after dinner, more of the castle members return from various locations whether it is shopping, from a friend's house, traveling, etc. Quite a few of the household comes and goes at varying times of the day, so there is rarely a dull moment.

However, a few castle members don't leave the castle very often due to being uncomfortable around others, not able to fit in with society, in hiding from people, or have no use to leave due to the vast resources on the castle property.



*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


After dinner we all part ways. I walk over to Nesaia to give her a bear hug. "Congrats, girl! You guys are a great couple!" I nudge her in the side with my elbow. "See, what I tell ya? I knew you two would end up together."

"Aww, thanks, Dearie," Nesaia smiles back.

We part ways and I head upstairs to change. Once in the dressing room, I notice a large group of people who were at dinner are now changing into more comfortable attire. Seems more than just I had the same idea.

I change into black leggings and a black corset that fits my toned body, a glaring contrast against my peachy blonde hair and skin.

Once changed, I exit the castle entrance. On my right side, resides one of the many steep cliffs on the castle property. Approaching the edge, I stare out at the expanse and the nature before me.

Even though the beautiful blue ocean sits to the left of the castle when staring at the entrance, it is still considered ocean front property.

Lying near Donovan Castle is an island called Dragon Island. It is said by the locals, that hundreds of years ago, there was a dragon living there. In actuality, dragons still reside there today. 

I let out a loud whistle, calling an available dragon. Nightmare flies out of Dragon Island across the way. Dragon Island is where most of the dragons live. It's protected by magic.

The dragons can wear special collars that make them invisible to humans. They stretch to accommodate those that shift. The dragon shifters can choose to wear them when in their human forms.

He appears in minutes, landing on the ground about twenty feet from me in the emerald hued field. Even in the moonlight, you can see his form. Nightmare's – one of our large pet dragons – build consists of muscles, scales, and spikes. He's not a shifter, but a purebred dragon.

I run over to him as Nightmare lowers his head to me. Up close, his appearance is quite daunting. He has white on his chest and underbelly, blending into black and dark forest green scales. Spikes protrude from the top of its head, nose, side of its cheeks, and wings. Claws sit upon his feet and at the end tips of his wings.

I grab hold of his scales and hoist myself up onto his neck, near the end of his cowl. I walk to the point that lies between his neck and his body.

Settling down, I grasp on before tapping his body with my hand. This triggers him to raise his wings, causing the grass in the field to bend away from the wind.

Nightmare is calculated, quick-minded, determined, brave, and smart. Like me, he is always up for a challenge and never backs down from a fight. However, right now, we seek adventure.

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