Chapter 32: Selene

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*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


On the ride to the morgue with Gothica and the black-haired woman's body, I shake my head in remorse. "I wish I could have done more."

Gothica briefly looks up at me from where her eyes reside on the road and her hands on the wheel. "You did everything you could. By what Candy and Seania told me, she was already dead when Seania discovered Candy performing CPR."

I nod, "yes and it sounds like an Each Uisge (Ech-quiz-key) is responsible for the death of that woman named Ahshara."

"Agreed; the main horse species that I can think of that drowns people are Nuggles and an Each Uisge," Gothica says.

"Yes, but I believe it was an Each Uisge because Candy said Ahshara was attached to the horse's back and couldn't get off. Nuggles charge into water to drown their victims, they don't have their victims attach to them."

Gothica nods and we ride in silence the rest of the way.

A little while later, we arrive at the morgue. I jump out of the van and hold the back van doors open for Gothica to remove the gurney from the trunk. She wheels the body into the morgue and up to the morgue table. I unzip the black body bag and help lift the body onto the metallic table.

"Do you need any more help?" I offer.

She shakes her head and waves me off. "No, I've got it, but I would like a cup of coffee."

I nod. "You've got it. I'll be right back." I leave the morgue and teleport to the castle. I appear in the large castle kitchen and start up the coffee maker. A moment later, the hairs on the back of my neck and arms prickle. I feel his energy, Mason is here. Joy and excitement ripples through me. Before I can turn around, Mason is there behind me.

He moves next to me. "There you are."

"You're home!" I hug him tightly. "I've missed you!"

I feel a type of withdraw each moment we're apart. Mason and I are soulmates and when you are soulmates, you have difficulty being apart for too long. Not to mention how long we've been together.

He laughs, "yeah, long trip." Mason steps behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I've missed you more."

I lean my head back against him and hum appreciation that he's here. He lands a kiss on my cheeks as I grab a couple to-go cups from a cupboard. As I move about the kitchen, he moves with me in a sort of dance.

He eyes the to-go cups. "Coffee? This late at night?"

"It's for Gothica."

His grip around me loosens and moves to my side as his eyes sadden. "I take it someone died?"

I nod. "Yes, a friend of Candy's. She died even with both Seania and my help."

"I'm sorry," he says with sincere empathy.

I shrug with sadness. "I wish I could have helped."

He runs a hand over my hair, "Knowing you, you tried everything you could."

"Thank you." I give him a hug before filling up the cups.

"Do you want me to wait for you?" he asks.

Nodding, I grab a napkin and clean up a spot of coffee I spilt. "Yeah. I shouldn't be long. I'm just going to drop off these cups and be back."

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