Chapter 52: Sandoon

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In this: Sandoon, introduce Otto; mention Carbine, Mirrah, Lucille, Discoil, Pria, Skids, Wheeler, Ahton, Keya, Porsha, Bentley, Royce, Cadi, Gears,

Location: Angels City

*Day 3

*Spring (April 30)


The woman I met out front of Angel Wings Airlines, named Coola, seems distracted and sorrowful. I feel bad for her because it's never easy losing someone. I gave the cabbie directions to drop me off at a car rental business.

On our way there, we pass the giant skyscraper that looks like a lava lamp. Its see-through glass walls allow you to see the glowing, lava bubble elevators floating up and down within. This skyscraper is one of my favorite buildings in Angels City.

Angels City is a unique city in that it's not all silver, white, cream, and black, but colorful. Yes, there are those colors, but neon and bright colors cascade throughout the city, especially at night.

During the day, the buildings are colorful, but at night, the neon lighting brightens up the landscape. Building lines and window panes are lit up with neon lights or flood lights.

Even the sky is colorful, a mix between pink, purple, and blue. The cab takes us down a city street, passing purple buildings with blue neon lights. The neon lines the rooftops, outline windows, and create intricate artsy patterns.

The cab turns a corner and pulls into a wide open city road with multiple lanes. Unfortunately, the traffic is near a standstill, causing the cab to stop in line.

Coola looks out the window, trying to see what caused the traffic to slow so much.

The cabbie turns his head toward us. "It's a wreck. It'll be a little bit and I'll have you guys in Dragon's Hollow."

Coola nods and looks down at her phone.

I stare out the window to see what caused it. Flashing lights of police cars strobe against the walls of the buildings and vehicles nearby. A man is thrown up against the hood of his car, being handcuffed after causing an accident ahead of us.

A little bit later, traffic moves forward again and we're on our way.

The cabbie drops me off at a car rental service that is also under the same brand of Speedster. I pay the cabbie and exit the taxi.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder and holding my package in one arm against me, I pull the door open. After retrieving the rest of my luggage from the trunk, I enter Speedster Rental and Taxi Service. One of Otto's businesses.

A woman greets me at a chrome desk. "What can I help you with today?"

"I'd like to rent a car for a few days." I place my luggage on the floor and the box on the counter so I won't drop it. Shuffling through my purse, I fetch my wallet.

Nodding, she types into her computer. "How many?"

"Actually, I'd like to rent it for a day," I clarify.

Once again, she nods and types. "You can always change how long you want the vehicle, just let us know. We have some discounts going on for multi-day rentals. Color preference?" She points to a stack of business cards in a silver holder.

"Do you have anything in a sandy color or tan?" I wonder as I take a card and pocket it.

Smiling, she tells me cheerfully, "that we do!"

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