Chapter: 1.2 Ylva

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As I reach Nesaia and Selene, I notice that Selene eyes me with regard. "Are you okay, Ylva?"

I force a smile with my blue eyes. Shifting my shoulders and back, I eye them both. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Just a minor headache and some body aches."

I don't like being a werewolf, so I fight my nature. For this reason, fighting the first shift causes me more pain than most werewolves and shifters. I often try to go over a week without shifting, but my wolf won't let me.

Shifting varies for each individual and creature, yet all have one similarity. That being, if you don't shift for an extended amount of time, you age. If you continually shift, you pause the aging process. Most halt their aging because they want to or their animal side insists, they be set free. That cage being their human body. Most have to shift once a week or once a month, depending on what they are.

"Would you want to come with us?" Selene offers me.

Scratching my head, I debate for a moment. "Where are you going?"

Selene gestures as she talks. "To the stables. We're planning on going for a ride to one of the ponds."

I glance down at my muddy feet and hands. They're caked with dirt from my run through the rain last night. "I suppose I could take a dip to clean myself up."

Selene gives me a reassuring smile. "All right, let's go then. I'm glad you're doing okay, Ylva."

At the castle, we don't usually bat an eye at someone being in their nude forms because it's a regular occurrence here.

I smile weakly at Selene as we make our way to the stables.

We pass by the wooden fences that surround the stables. They've placed fences on the castle grounds to prevent animals from straying too far. As we approach, the large stable comes into view as the spires rise from the roof.

We walk through the tall entrance of the stables as light filters in from the windows in each stall.

As soon as my feet touch the warm floors, a contented sigh escapes my mouth. The stables are equipped with in-floor hydroponic heating to keep the equine warm.

In-floor hydroponic heating is also placed throughout the newer parts of the castle. They help to warm up the cold stone and it's more energy efficient than electricity.

My muddy feet pick up the stray pieces of upswept hay. Picking up each foot, I pluck them off and throw the strands into the stalls through the large stall doors.

Lights hang from the strong beams overhead, to light the stables when the moon is high.

I watch Selene run her hand over the wooden paneling of the stables. A look falls upon her face. One that tells me she's thinking of something. Usually memories. The smile playing on her lips tells me they're positive.

Scratching her head, I ask her, "What are you thinking about, Selene?"

She answers me without turning her head to her. She continues staring at the dark grains beneath her fingertips. "I've always loved the warm feel of these stables. There's something warm about dark hues."

"Is that why you have a lot of dark hued decorations at the castle?" Nesaia's eyes widen with curiosity.

She looks at us, walking closer, "it is. There is something comforting about it, like a warm drink in the fall. It's soothing somehow. It makes me feel safe and calm, just like how the bright rooms make me feel energetic."

"I do like spending time in them for the same reasons," I concur. A small shiver passes over my skin as a small breeze flows through the stables.

"Do you want me to fetch you some clothes?" Selene offers, noticing my chill.

Donovan Castle Chronicles: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now