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Below you will find all the characters mentioned in thus far. They will be listed in order of appearance.

As followed, I will be listing the characters' name, species, where they live, their relations, nationality, born/age, occupation, and looks.

I will add more detail as the book progresses and with each appearance of the Roll Calls. Each new Roll Call will be updated with new information and characters.

A/N: I will update these with recaps as soon as I can. 


Name: Selene Graziana Constantinova - Achenbach

Species: Omnis - Explained later

Lives: At the castle

Related: Mother to Ariana; Married to Mason; Soulmates with Mason; Twin to Kenzi; Godmother to Brooke. Best friends with Ariana, Nesaia, Nadia & Sasha

Nationality: Italian

Born/age: Born in 20BC

Occupation: The hospital administrator of Constantinova Memorial Hospital; specializes in many fields of medicine; Doctor and surgeon; Earned a degree in Engineering a while back; have many degrees in numerous fields and various forms of engineering;

Looks: Regal, gorgeous, more than a pretty face, beautiful, feels confident and content. Black-brown almost onyx eyes – brilliant neon green. Caucasian, creamy tan skin. Dark black-brunette hair

Name: Ylva Hvannarsson

Species: Werewolf

Lives: At the castle


Nationality: Icelandic Scandinavian



Looks: Long dirty blonde hair, Caucasian, blue eyes, head of a wolf tattoo on her left side

Name: Stormy Rascovsky

Species: Weather elemental - Lightning/thunderstorm - controls lightning, thunderstorms, storms, and weather, can shoot lightning out of her hands, can create storms indoors, in jars; can turn into tornadoes and control them; Can control weather with mood and when she wants to

Lives: At the castle

Related: sister to Tempestuous, Best friends with Sally since preschool

Nationality: Irish


Occupation: Meteorologist

Looks: dark purplish red hair, Caucasian, brown eyes when they are not mimicking the storm

Name: Lady Heather Donovan

Species: Ghost

Lives: At the castle

Related: Married to Karev

Nationality: English

Born/age: born May 8, 1734 in London, England

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