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Definition: [Compendium - a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication. Collection, complication, anthology, summary. - Oxford Dictionary]

Below you will find all the characters mentioned in thus far. They will be listed in order of appearance.

As followed, I will be listing the characters' name, species, where they live, their relations, nationality, born/age, occupation, and looks.

I will add more detail as the book progresses and with each appearance of the Roll Calls. Each new Roll Call will be updated with new information and characters. New information will also be added to character. 

Ex: At the beginning I may only have their name and where they live. Later on, I may have their name, where they live, their species, what has happened to them, where they work, etc. So it is advised to revisit the characters at the beginning and throughout these pages for more information if you missed it in the story. 

You may skip a Roll Call here and there if you choose to. I am only placing them in to help remind people who is who. Each Roll Call has something new that has been introduced. So you may read Roll Call 1 and then read Roll Call 6 to be caught up. Sort of like a "Previously on..." with television shows. 


Name: Selene Graziana Constantinova - Achenbach

Recap: Current co-owner of Donovan Castle with her husband Mason. A mother figure to everyone who lives at the castle.

Introduced: Chapter 1

Good/Bad: Good

Main/Side: Main

Species: Omnis - Explained later

Lives: At the castle

Related: Mother to Ariana; Married to Mason; Soulmates with Mason; Twin to Kenzi; Godmother to Brooke. Best friends with Ariana, Nesaia, Nadia & Sasha

Nationality: Italian

Born/age: Born in 20BC

Occupation: The hospital administrator of Constantinova Memorial Hospital; specializes in many fields of medicine; Doctor and surgeon; Earned a degree in Engineering a while back; have many degrees in numerous fields and various forms of engineering;

Looks: Regal, gorgeous, more than a pretty face, beautiful, feels confident and content. Black-brown almost onyx eyes – brilliant neon green. Caucasian, creamy tan skin. Dark black-brunette hair

Name: Ylva Hvannarsson

Recap: The werewolf who struggles with shifting and fights against it.

Introduced: Chapter 1

Good/Bad: Good

Main/Side: Side for now

Species: Werewolf

Lives: At the castle


Nationality: Icelandic Scandinavian



Donovan Castle Chronicles: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now