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"The party has already started. People from around the world will be here," Luna Gabriel informed as he dusts off my outfit for me.

I wore black denim pants with a white and pink shirt but I planned to cover up with a large hoodie that I bought. It was a bit chilly. At least for me.

"Luna! Luna! You are needed!" One of his maids shouted and he turned his neck. "The ceremony has started!"

"Very well then!" The Luna chirped and clapped his hands as he turned to leave. "Enjoy yourself, Hide! I'll be with the other lunas. Party and just live life!"

"Thanks!" I laughed. He was fixing himself in the mirror, adjusting his blue flora kimono, and moving the golden crown to the center of his head.

"You already look dashing, my Luna," I complimented him. He was already beautiful. There was no need to stress over it.

"Oh, I know, Hide! I need to make sure the other Lunas know I'm over them. They can be nasty with gossip," he stated. I giggled, nodding.

"Alright! I'm leaving! Don't get too drunk now!" He shouted, rushing out of the room.

They were so kind to have given me a room in their manor all for me. But deciding to leave, I padded down the golden articulate stairs.

Music was blasting which could be heard from inside and I wasn't much of a party person but I decided that I'd treat myself this one night. Besides, it's the event of a lifetime.

What if Anrai was here? Would he enjoy this celebration?

He'd probably complain about every breathing alpha within distance. I closed my eyes, softly chuckling at the thought. I missed him.

Although we left off on bad terms, I would have been content with him living. No one deserves to die in the way he did.

Downstairs, there were alphas surrounding the king and my eyes sparked alive. Alpha Dominick and Alpha Zion-Elias's and Zade's fathers.

They were all tall and muscular. Alpha Zion had snow-white hair and since his back was turned to me, I was not able to see his face but I could tell he was most handsome.

Alpha Dominick carried pink hair and the softest chestnut eyes. My eyes widened in shock. I figured Elias dyed his hair!

"Woah," I whispered and gained the attention of them and I nearly sprinted back up the stairs until Dominick softly smiled at me.

"You!" He pointed at me and my heart sank. "You are the lecturer who teaches my son!"

Alpha Kian turned his head and I nervously waved at them before turning on my heel but I was short just a moment because behind me was Alpha Silas, Shadow's father.

But that's not what left me in shambles. The omega next to him was no other than my little brother, Haden.

"What the fu-" a hand came down on my shoulder and I lurched forward, turning around to see Alpha Dominick.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now