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When it came to life, I wanted nothing more than to drown every face I saw in blood.

Until he walked into my life. My new obsession. My new addiction.

Never experiencing the pain, the fear of losing someone, I've been deprived.

And now, I couldn't lose him.

Entering the private room my brother had installed specifically for our mate, my gaze fell on the monitor and the sight of him undressing and changing into his new clothes was enticing.

Grey. Everything grey. The walls, the bed, the door, the sheets. Yet, when he stands in the center of the room, paint drowns the space.

I sat down in the black leather chair with the monitor in my face. Two other monitors on each side with a view of different parts of the room.

One camera installed adjacent to the bed, one camera installed specifically above the bed, and the last camera was aimed toward the closet.

Bringing out my notepad, I wrote down every freckle that painted his small body. He was just like me. He wore black and white majority of the time. His hazel eyes brightened as he hummed softly to himself.

Unaware that I was watching him.

We had an obsession with watching him when he didn't know. There was a...pattern.

First, he removed his shirt then his hands traveled over his flat stomach to his slender hips that slightly curved in.

Secondly, he'll remove his pants and then glance around the room as if someone was stalking him. Maybe he had PTSD from our last encounter.

I've seen every inch of him and now, I wanted more. I wanted to get to know him.

His existence pissed me off but now, I was utterly obsessed with every breath he inhaled.

His heartbeat was abnormal and I listened to it as if it was my reason to live.

Now, it is.

Him and my brother.

I leaned forward. My face practically in the screen as my gaze traveled down his slender legs, him bending over to retrieve the fallen shorts he had acquired from his dresser.

I cupped my hand over my mouth.

Turning my head a fraction, I was met with my reflection on the blackened screen. My cheeks were darker than my usual shade and the lust brewing in my swirling irises set me back.

I've decided that you are going to be the reason I fall victim to that feeling people call love.

Struggling with that feeling for so long, I've started to hate people. I tried to force myself to hate him but he was innocent. Too innocent.

"Cazzo..." I breathed. Resting back in my seat, I licked my lips, my chest rising and falling as I observed this omega who has dug his way into my life.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now