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In life, you tend to believe in the bad things over the good. Why, as people, do we do that? We seek the bad in others. We search for it. We thrive in it.

Reed walked next to me. Compared to earlier, he was quieter, more observant. He walked with a powerful stride, confident in himself.

But held Killian's face. "Biscuit is delighted to meet you."

He turned his head. "I expect more than four pups," he casually said. The base of my foot hit a stubbed pebble and my body lurched forward, nearly tumbling to the muddy ground until Reed firmly caught my upper arm with dipped brows.

"F-four?" I repeated, and my eyes widened. This could be my chance to learn about Killian through Reed. He probably wouldn't like that but he's a closed door with chains nailed around it. "Reed, I have questions."

He turned his head ever so slightly, emphasizing that he was listening. Here goes nothing.

"What..is Killian's favorite food? If you know Keenan's, I would like to know his too," I muttered. He applied his hand to his chiseled jaw, deep in thought.

"Just minutes ago, you became it." He leaned down and gently grazed his knuckles across my cheek. "I want to know one thing about you."

"Yes!?" My heart fluttered. My mate wants to know something about me!

"Love. The concept of love. I do not understand it yet my carrier's birth giver spoke of it a lot. He would say these emotions would come when we found our mate but all I feel is...lust," he explained.

There is something different about them, Hideki.

"Well, what is your question?" I picked up the pace because I needed to see Keenan.

"What is love to you?" His voice dropped below a whisper. He kept studying me, analyzing me.

"I can't explain what love is. What I thought was love wasn't so I don't want to give you false information," I whispered.

"Wouldn't it be an opinion?" Reed corrected me and I paused for a moment then nodded, impressed with his response.

"Well, yeah. I can't explain it right now. Can I reply when I am ready?" I asked him.

"I guess I'll give you that," he flatly replied, a growing smirk on his lips.

"You've never felt love before? Or infatuation?" I tilted my head, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Killian has fucked many men," Reed tsked, his nose scrunched up in disgust. "I don't think any of them have come close to the way he felt about you." Felt about me?

Killian was about to kill me. He didn't want anything else in this world but to decapitate me. Is this how Luna Gabriel felt with Alpha Kian?

But the high I'm experiencing now felt wonderful. I wanted to mate with them but I had to set my standards first.

"No comment," I murmured. I've only been with Anrai my entire life. I don't think I want to experience that.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now