Stepdad Chan Part 1

Start from the beginning

Myla bites her lip, she glances at her teachers to see them looking at them now, she looks at Chan with tears in her eyes and she whispers "I'm sorry daddy, I just wanted to know what it was like."

"You could've come to me! You could've asked me!" Chan says loudly.

Myla whimpers more, and she whispers, "I know, Daddy, I just didn't think."

Chan growls in frustration before pointing to the stairs "Go to your room, I'm very disappointed in you Myla, tomorrow when you go back to school you'll need to get your missing work and lessons from Minho."

Myla whimpers and runs up to her room and jumps into her bed, and cries into her pink pillows.

Chan sighs as he sits next to Minho, and Felix asks, "You still haven't done anything with her?"

Chan blushes and looks away before clearing his throat, and he whispers, "I don't want her to hate me if something goes wrong, Felix."

Felix hums and nods before speaking softly. "I felt the same way with Ava, but when we did it, all she did was cling to me and kiss me and ask to go again."

Chan chuckles and says, "I don't think Myla would do that, I'm scared she'll cry and say I've hurt her."

Minho hums and says, "She really is innocent. The other day, a boy kept asking her out, and she didn't know what he meant."

Chan blushes and says, "I'll go up and talk to her later, Jeongin. How are you and your stepdaughter doing?"

Jeongin blushes and says, "She clings to me whenever she sees me. She is so cute."

Felix chuckles before looking at Chan and says, "How long has it been for you?"

Chan blushes and explains "Well after Myla's mom died, I haven't gotten any."

Felix hums and says, "Have you masturbated at all?" Chan nods and says,"Yeah, I steal Myla's panties and just think of her."

Felix nods and says, "Maybe when you talk to her tonight, you can kiss her or something and see how it goes?"

Chan nods and says softly "Yeah I can do that." Minho hums and says,"When did you fall in love with Myla?" Chan whistles and answers softly."I've been in love with her for a while now. I got married to her mom two years ago, so she would've been 16? At that point, I wasn't in love with her, but it was definitely before her mother died."

Minho nods before asking softly. "Mari always flirted with me even when her mom was still alive. I didn't actually do anything with her until Mari's mom died, I guess you could say I was just waiting."

Chan nods and says, "I wouldn't have done anything with Myla either while her mom was still alive. "

Felix hums and says, "Hey Chan, maybe Ava and Myla can have a play date." Chan nods and says "Yeah you guys can come back next week."

Later that night

Chan opens Myla's door to see her curled up on her bed playing with the pink wolf he got her a fews ago.

Chan climbs into the bed, causing Myla to look up at him and watch him when he comes and lays down in front of her, and he gently strokes the wolf plushie's head.

Myla bites her lip when Chan looks up at her and she whispers "I'm sorry daddy, I should've came to you about the kissing, but it wasn't something I exactly wanted, I pushed him away before running to Minho's classroom."

Chan grows more upset about the fact that the boy kissed her against her will, and he says softly, "Daddy will take care of him."

Myla nods before snuggling into Chan's chest, her chubby fingers gripping his shirt, and she whispers "Daddy what's porn?"

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