"She believes..." Pausing, Chanhee glanced over at the rear mirror, just to make sure that nobody was awake to overhear the conversation. The last time he checked, everyone was sleeping soundly and he almost hit the brake harshly to have them awake. For, it was unfair to have the boss drive. "Sunwoo will never do that."

Do what? - Sunwoo internally thought. He wanted to ignore the conversation that took place but the small part of him was dying to interrupt. Especially when he was included.

"I just don't understand why she trusts him the most." Changmin sighed. "Would you like to see your staff dating your best friend?"

"Shut up!" Chanhee accidentally yelled, then only he realized his mistake and started whispering. "You know that will not happen."

We shall see, Sunwoo thought as he scoffed slightly loud that the two at the very front flinched. So he closed his eyes back, lips apart, and pretended to be sleeping until they reached at the destination.

But, he didn't know that the conversation could affect him so badly. Specifically when the two wore their poker face all the time. They had shared eye contact but surprisingly the older boys were acting like nothing had happened.

It was supposed to be 'Earning Changmin's favoritisms' but it seemed like Sunwoo just added another thing to the list. 'Proving them wrong' agenda.

"What the-"

Haechan rubbed his sleepy eyes as soon as he got out of the car, the picturesque view of the area was mesmerizing. Now, he was doubting his boss even more. How could the older afford such giant expenses to bring all of them here - the luxurious and newly launched chalet?

"See that," he energetically nudged Sunwoo to look at the laid-open coast ahead. But, the boy waved him off. "Why? Don't you find this interesting?"

"Maybe I will..." He shrugged, rummaging inside the plastic bag from the rest stop.

As Sunwoo was about to uncap a bottle of drink, Haechan once again nudged him. "You shall find this interesting."

With scrunched brows, Sunwoo shifted his gaze to the sandy beach ahead where Haechan was chinning.

A girl was looking at them with a goofy smile. A pair of sunglasses was adorning half of her face but it was not a problem to identify that she indeed was a stranger.

"Not there..." Haechan adjusted Sunwoo's head slightly to the right, his eyes as well moving to see the other demeanor. "There..."

Instantly, the corner of Sunwoo's lips moved upwards at the sight of Chae Soobin rising from the sandy ground. The other girl earlier probably was her acquaintance because the two were now talking to each other before the first girl beckoned her in his direction.

Waiting time no more, Sunwoo sprinted towards the beach despite the yell from Chanhee who instructed them to wait at the lobby. He ran - dramatically, and almost sprained his ankle in the sand.

"Hey, boy." Soobin greeted as soon as the boy halted right in front of her. "I've been waiting for you guys."

Panting, the confusion was so evident on the boy's face. His head was working way too hard to decipher why was she waiting. But, the glimpse of Jacob with his guitar approaching them and asking where was Chanhee because he needed to pass the keys somehow made sense.

The siblings were the sponsor of the trip and this new chalet belonged to their family which made them the owners as well.


The disappearance of Jacob then made Sunwoo's focus waver. He had a lot to say but he couldn't find what should he prioritize first. Her beauty too was blinding even though she had only sunscreen applied on her skin. He was thinking so deeply about how she could look prettier than anyone else in that simple style and high bun of her hair.

And Sunwoo then made a dumb move.

The drink he intended to down earlier was still in his grasp. However, his body seemed to have moved spontaneously as he passed it to the girl.

Soobin giggled - an ear candy in his ears. "I thought no free drinks outside the cafe."

"Take it as an apology." He said which Soobin then pondered.


"Yes. For... what had happened before?"

"Oh..." The girl was at a loss for words. She never expected that Sunwoo would be taking the incident to heart. "It's not your fault. It's just a coincidence, right? So, why must you feel guilty?"

Because your friend think so, Sunwoo hoped he could say that. But, he didn't - luckily.

However, he glanced over his shoulder and found piercing stares of Changmin and Chanhee from the distance. And he couldn't help but feel cockier.

See... No matter what you guys do, she's still coming to me, he thought alone.


It was then, that an unfamiliar female voice was heard, snapping Sunwoo back to reality. The earlier girl with the sunglasses was now standing next to Soobin, hip cupped. The goofy smile was still there on her face and it seemed to be wider as she looked at him.

Instinctively, Sunwoo took a step back. He was scared. Who knew what was hiding behind those sunglasses? Who knew if the eyes would be shooting out lasers or if they would be in weird colors such as red or golden like the vampires in Twilight?

He had to be ready for any consequences.

"You are the cute boy with a weird personality who loves to give free drinks? Kim. Sun. Woo?" She took a guess, slowly removing her sunglasses - they weren't red or golden. "Finally we meet. I heard a lot about you from Soobin."

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