53. Finding answers

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"Oh! That's right! How was Vaughn?" She asked after eating the bread he gave her. She had forgotten the kid and his father because of her worries. "Was he alright when he woke up? Nothing weird happened?"

"Nothing happened. He's fine." Kyden answered casually.

"I see. Too bad I didn't get to meet him in person."

She recalled the nightmare she gave to the kid and immediately felt guilty about meeting him.

"They remain here a couple of days after he woke up, to wait for you."

"Duke Wynzel must have felt guilty."

"He should be." The displeasure toward the duke was visible on his face. Mona could bet that the father and son were kicked out the moment her situation wasn't getting any better.

Hiding her amusement at the Grand Duke's expression, she replied, "Then, we should quickly inform them of my recovery."

"I'm sure Marcus already sent a letter." He answered with a frown.

Silence ensued after their seemingly small talk. Mona continued eating and felt comfortable in the atmosphere.

She was already drinking her water when she remembered something.

Setting down her glass and wiping her mouth with the napkin, she turned towards the Grand Duke and asked, "How long will it take to travel from here to the Lost Pier?"

The Grand Duke's hand moving the plate away paused at her question. Very slowly, he turned towards her and looked at her with somber eyes.

Then with a voice laced with ice, he asked back, "Why are you asking?"

Mona flinched at the coldness; she was sure it wasn't directed at her but a conscious way of the Grand Duke to show his emotions. He was displeased at her inquiry.

"I was just thinking of reporting this to the highest priests personally." She answered right away. "Moreover, there is still the issue of the dreamcatchers. As Sandra said, they were sealed on an ancient relic. So, I wanted to confirm if the relic was indeed stolen from the Holy Nation, or only the dreamcatchers were freed from there."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because if it's the latter, then it just doesn't make sense. Why would those demons target a Southerner when the North is much closer to the Holy Nation?"

"And if it's the former, you wanted to know who took the relic and purposely gave it to the Wynzels?"

She grinned at the Grand Duke's response, "Exactly."

"Why don't you visit the south first? Perhaps you can find the relic in there. If you find it, then you can know why this happened. You can just report it at the Holy Nation after it is completely settled."

"That is certainly much easier. But I don't know what exactly is this 'ancient relic'." She looked at him and continued, "I've never seen it."

"Maybe Sandra can tell." He answered and stood after. "I'll ask someone to call her."

Grabbing his hand, she stood also and stopped him, "Let's just go to her. I wanted to walk outside too. I think I need some sunlight."

The Grand Duke glanced outside the window and frowned. "It's noon already. Not appropriate for a walk. You can just do that next morning."


The Grand Duke sighed after seeing her saddened face. He took her hand which was grabbing him and gently guided her to the adjacent door of her room, the one leading to her wardrobe.

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