11. The horse is getting bored

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The empire was completely in total chaos when the news about the great villainess Luna Vandross spread to the streets, nooks, and crannies of all places.

Nobles and commoners were all gossiping; sharing their doubts and opinions on it. Some are quietly waiting for any further information, some are openly thinking it was all just a farce, and many raise a rally.

The palace guards are all stationed at the main entrance. The ministers are all busy with the necessary actions to prevent further disruption of peace and order.

And on a meeting room on the west wing of the palace, a discussion is currently in progress.

It was the king together with some magicians and ministers. They were planning to put the empire under a live broadcast through magic stones that were placed in landmarks, nodes, open public spaces, and points of the whole country.

The magicians of the Magus Tower headed by their Archmage; Ares Arcana, are currently setting up a wide area spell to make the live broadcast possible.

The Magus Tower is an entire tower allocated for all magicians who are working under the king's reign. They are the ones responsible for creating, inventing, and developing many things such as spells, potions, magic stones, portals, and such that benefit the empire.

A green-haired tall man wearing a black coat with blue linings approached the king who kept looking outside the window.

"Your Majesty, the setting is complete." His droopy eyes dare not to meet the gaze of the king, so he bowed his head while speaking instead.

The archmage of the tower is known for his unwavering respect and loyalty to the owner of the throne.

That was because Ares Arcana was just a mere orphan adopted by the former archmage of the tower due to his intelligence and mana. And it was the current king, Renvillon who was barely nine years old at the time, who discovered his potential and believed in his magic.

"We shall start then," Renvillon replied.

The two headed back to the center and went to their own position.

The king is seated in the middle while his ministers are standing behind him with Ares, and the magicians are carefully watching their magic in case some error occurs during the recording.

When the huge magic circle in front of them started rotating, the magicians behind gave their cue to start.

So, the king began to speak.

"Good day, citizens of Semaria. I, the king of this empire, Renvillon Ignis Semaria will personally inform you of the matters regarding Lady Luna Evangeline Vandross."

The voice of the king echoed to every street. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched the face of the emperor appearing in the air from a magic stone.

"Unfortunately, the news in the headlines of today's newspapers is not false. The original soul of Lady Vandross had already died and perished. What remained was just a shell being occupied by another soul."

Murmurs erupted from the people.

Many are wondering if that is even possible.

"It might be hard to believe, but the Holy Nation's great Saintess and highest priest personally came to confirm it. The death of Lady Vandross occurred when she was still inside the castle's dungeon." The king paused for a moment, reminded of what the woman who came from another world said about the lady's death. "She had committed suicide, even before the execution."

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