10. A warm farewell

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After they subdued their enemies, the two finally reached the docks. The Lost Pier really suited its name. Mona thought it was a place that was hard to find since it was 'lost', but it was actually an abandoned dock. What was lost was its purpose. Unlike the usual piers where crowds of people and traders are rushing here and there, Mona could see that this one was unused.

Along the way, he asked the Grand Duke what had transpired when she was out. Although she was conscious and had heard all of it, she still did ask him to avoid being suspicious.

Mona learned about the Grand Duke's magic and some of the principles of this world. Even magic has a hierarchy.

The low-level magic is called artificial magic. The mid-level is natural magic, if artificial magic can only be wielded through mediums, natural can be wielded with people possessing active mana on their bodies.

But this magic is diverse, it allows the wielder to use and learn magic spells or potions. There are also rare occasions where a natural magic user can evolve to a high level. This type of magic is the most common among people. And lastly, the high level is elemental magic. A magic that is formed from elements and sub-elements. Elemental magic is way stronger than artificial.

So, Mona could understand how the Grand Duke's ice did not melt on the fire, but instead froze it.

She learned that dark magic falls on the elemental type. As well as divine magic. But those two are considered an independent magic type. Unlike the artificial that can be used by a medium imbued with nature, and natural's ability to evolve to an elemental, the dark and divine cannot be mixed together, nor can be mixed with other magic types.

This is why their existence is rare. Especially the dark one. It is because those who were born with it saw it as a curse. They weren't taken care of until their existence gradually declined. Different from those who were born with divine mana, the holy nation took care of them and made sure they would prosper.

Another thing she kept thinking of was what had happened to her back there. Her vision became completely black and for a moment she thought she had become blind.

But who gets blind after just being tossed?

And she remembered clearly opening her eyes many times, but only darkness was what she could see.

"What are you spacing at for? You need to ride this boat."

The Grand Duke pulled her off her thoughts. He was untying the rope while giving her glances.

"Please tell me." She walked closer to him. "Is the gap between this empire and the holy nation just the size of a river?"

Kyden furrowed his eyebrows. He clearly knows where this conversation is heading. So, he already answered her unasked question.

"I'll make sure to put a spell on the boat so it will take you faster on the other side without rowing."

"Woah. Thanks. But you didn't answer my question." Mona insisted.

"No. It's obviously an ocean apart."

"You'll come with me?"

Silence answered her.

Her heart began to beat faster, out of anxiousness and nervousness at the sudden silence of the Grand Duke. She walked closer and grabbed the ropes instead.

"Hey. You won't come with me?"

The Grand Duke met her eyes.

"The boat will send you there. Besides, the holy nation doesn't allow individuals who don't possess divine mana. Only you will be able to enter."

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