27. An annoying application form

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After her trip to the training grounds, Mona decided to prepare her clothes for training. She was thinking of starting tomorrow. Sandra helped her with the suits and all she ended up doing was polishing her black sword.

While her thoughts were wandering on the Grand Duke's matters, a knock on her door broke her from it.

Mona stood up and opened the door. She already caught on to the habits of her maid just barging into the room without knocking, so she could tell the person behind wasn't her.

An unfamiliar face greeted her eyes. A man in a black and fine suit was standing before her. He was wearing glasses and his reddish hair was combed properly. His face looked mysterious and indifferent.


"My name is Marcus Nerville. The Grand Duke's attendant." He bowed after introducing himself, and added, "The Grand Duke has ordered me to take care of your papers, so I came here to pick you up. You need to fill up an application form for civil registration, my lady."

Mona strangely felt at ease at the attendant's presence. The feeling of not being stared at unpleasantly or being ostracized silently she sensed towards him, was probably because of his bright blue and honest eyes.

She answered, "And... I'm Mona." She closed the door behind her and asked, "Where shall I get the papers?"

"I have them, lady Mona. So then, please follow me."

The man led the way silently. They passed rooms and walked countless hallways, servants they bumped into bowed their heads and rushed away immediately. Mona noticed this, so she couldn't help but wonder. With their master, they would bow their heads out of respect and superiority, but bowing with fear and discomfort was given to his attendant instead.

Trailing behind him, she could feel a strong aura emitting from the man but failed to comprehend what kind was it from. She could guess the attendant was also an elemental magic wielder but was unable to tell what type exactly. This is maybe one of the reasons why they were distant. Since an elemental magic user is rare, the aura they emit is quite domineering and dominant.

After walking for just several minutes, they finally arrived before a huge double door. The man opened the door and let her enter first. She mumbled her thanks for his gentlemanly behavior, then felt flustered if it was even necessary. But seeing the small smile on the attendant's face, she was relieved her gratitude was appreciated.

"The Grand Duke has matters to attend to, so I was tasked to help you comply with the necessary procedures."

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Nerville."

"It is my job to take in the lord's command." Reaching a few papers on the huge table set in the middle of the room with tall bookshelves placed behind, the attendant added, "So you don't have to thank me, although I appreciate it."

He then put the papers on the table in front.

Mona took the documents and scanned their contents. There are queries about her identity and origin, so she was troubled about how to answer some of the questions. Since she wasn't originally from that world, there wasn't a place she could put on the address section.

"You can write this place, lady Mona. You can address the northern territory of Adri as your hometown. And as for your family name, it'll be better if you use your own.... from your own world."

Mona nodded and answered, "I will do that, then. Can I borrow a pen, by the way?"

"Oh, sure."

The attendant took his fountain pen and lent it to her. After staring at the paper blankly for a minute, she began to fill up the queries.

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