Awakened Organization: Closure {A Loving Summary}

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Hai!!!! :3 This is the closure that I offer all of you that is surely no where close to enough!!!! I've said I'm sorry too much, but I'm still gonna say it again! I'm sorry! But, nonetheless, what is done is already done. Feel free to take all of this information as a guide if you want to adopt the story! I'll also link a google drive that will have all of these files (which are word documents and an excel file) and some more that will definitely help you on you journey to finish what I've started. One more thing, I was the only person who was supposed to see this so if some stuff doesn't make any sense, sounds weird as fuck, or is very inappropriate, I'm sorry for that too lol. I'll try to go through and make sure it makes some kind of sense. I'll also attempt to put things in order to make sure your not spoiled on the major stuff first and instead it flows like how you would've read it. That will be hard as fuck but I'll try lol.

If you have adopted the story for continuation, please comment hear and at the beginning of the story! Make sure it is known that your putting in the work and the effort to keep this train going! 

{Anything Bolded in these brackets is my Author Voice Guiding you through this lol. Also, Nova is the cannon name of (Y/N) so if you see that, that's what it means.}


Rwby Plot Stuff

Lightning Blowjobs: {Uhm Lightnning Blowjobs is my way of saying Brainstorm. Brain is slang for oral sex and storm is like lightning so yeah.}

                    Possible ending for Rwby is the evolution of Call-Off becoming its own soul/clone of the protagonist. This would happen through the use of the Aura Transfer machine and him getting his Aura removed from Raven/Amber, and from this it becomes a less powerful combative version of himself. After a bit of conversation and discussion over the topic, (Y/N)'s lovers could decide to remain in Remnant with (Y/N)'s clone leaving the real one to travel the multi-verse by himself. {I literally thought about this for two seconds after I wrote it and decided against this ending.}

Plot Points: 

{This Entire Section begins the major spoilers for what would've been happening in the story, so if you believe that this story will get adopted and someone else will pick it up and continue the story I'd highly recommend you not read this. But if you don't give a fuck read on!}

Vacuo's Events:

o After having a quick conversation with Adam over the Scroll about their future plans on Atlas, Adam tells Nova that a weird woman named Cinder had inquired about his services. This immediately prompts Nova desiring to go to Vacuo in order to confirm who this figure is.

Baddies In Vacuo Arc:

Cinder Fall- Goes to Vacuo in search of Adam Tauros in order to recruit him for her cause. Once she is refused, she lingers in the area in order to wait out a response from the man. In the meantime, she orders her minions to survey the camp and look for a possible weakness in the group to exploit to her advantage. If all else fails, she plans to kill Adam instead of recruiting him since she'd rather not keep him around to become a possible hinderance to their plans.

Dahlia, aka Neyah Panthera- Follows Cinder to Vacuo in order to assist in persuading Adam to assist in Salem's plans. However, instead of doing this of her own volition she is only doing this because her lover ordered her to assist in Salem's plans in any way possible.

Emerald- Following Cinders orders.

Mercury- Following Cinders orders.

Tyrian- Came to recover Cinder and Team after successfully kidnapping Anaya the Summer Maiden

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now