2. Viktor Nearly Kills Me

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"WHY DID YOU ASK ME TO SPARE THEM? THEY'LL KILL US THE SECOND THEY GET THE CHANCE!" Percy yelled, racing through the alley. "No, they won't. Vik should be able to stop them, or at least keep them from wrecking camp" Rachel leaned against the wall, catching her breath. "Who's Vik?" "Her boyfriend" Percy said, sitting down. "NOT, My boyfriend. He's a friend of mine, he lives at Camp Half-Blood, a safe place for half-bloods, or demigods. Percy and I are demigods, he's a son of Poseidon, I'm a daughter of Hades" "Hades?" I nodded. "I'm not too proud of it either. Anyways, we need to get you out of here" Percy had disappeared. "PERCY?!" I ran out onto East 81st and saw him and Annabeth talking. "Lilly!" Annabeth noticed me, smiling. "Hey, Annabeth" I said, right before Rachel burst in on us. "Percy," Annabeth glared at Rachel. "Who is this?" "Uh, Annabeth-Rachel, Rachel-Annabeth. Um, she's a friend, I guess" I smirked. "Hi" Rachel said, turning to Percy. "You are in so much trouble. And you still owe me an explanation!" Police sirens came from FDR Drive. Rachel grabbed Percy's hand and wrote on it in black Sharpie. "I want to know more about half-bloods. And monsters. And this stuff about the gods" She let go of Percy's hand. "You're going to call me and explain, okay? You owe me that. Now get going" Rachel ran towards the school. "But-" "I'll make up some story! I'll tell them it wasn't your fault, just go!" 

  Young demigod, mortal, or whoever decided to read this, I have said it once and I will say it again. Percy and Annabeth are the loudest demigods I have ever met. Annabeth was pissed with Percy for telling Rachel, while Percy was trying to explain why she had been with us in the first place. We got into a cab and headed to Long Island Sound. While they discussed Luke and Annabeth's monster filled spring in San Francisco, I tried to get some sleep. Word to the wise, never try to avoid dreams by not sleeping, it never works. My father, the world's most deadbeat father, had been trying to contact me via dreams for months ever since I smashed his little spy engagement ring necklace last winter when I got claimed. 'Look, Dad, if you're going to haunt my dreams, show me something I want, not a sorry excuse for an apology' I drifted off to sleep. 

  Nico di Angelo was sitting in a graveyard, searching the grave markers, looking for something, or someone. I couldn't tell where he was. "Maria, Maria" I caught on. Maria di Angelo, Nico and Bianca's mother. "Nico, leave! You won't find her. I don't know what Dad did, but she's not in a graveyard. Leave! Come back to camp, I need to talk to you. I owe Bianca that..." Nico looked at me. He opened his mouth to speak, but the voice that came out wasn't his. "Run away, demigod. You can do nothing for your little brother. He will become a slave of the Lord of Time or die" "Kronos" "You could join him, join me. You despise your father for abandoning you and your mother, for letting Bianca die, for Nico running from Camp Half-Blood. Join me, and I will spare your family's lives. Fail to do so, and your brother shall die" "NO!" I woke with a start. "Lilly? Are you okay?" Percy asked, peeking his head back into the cab. "What? Yeah, I'm fine" I stepped out of the cab onto Half-Blood Hill, where Thalia's tree stood, the Golden Fleece hanging on one of its branches. Peleus, the dragon that Chiron had found to replace Polyphemus, was sleeping, curled up around the trunk. Apparently, a giant dragon is the best way to guard a rug. "Come on," I said, heading down the hill. "I need to speak to Chiron." 

  The cabins were full, or at least ten out of twelve were, minus Zeus and Hera for obvious reasons. Viktor stood outside my cabin. He had built it when we first arrived at camp. It was made of gray marble and amethysts, was about three stories tall, and had a very large porch. Viktor noticed me and ran up to us. He looked incredibly angry. "Hey, Viktor-" He tackled me to ground, pinning me. "What the-" "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He roared. "What do you mean? I was with Percy-" "REALLY? THEN WHY ARE THERE TWO EMPOUSAI HERE WHO CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN SENT BY YOU?" I bit my lip. "They were at Goode, calm down. I sent them here to question them" Viktor got up off me. "Fine. But make it quick. They give me the creeps" "Yeah, yeah. Where are they?" "In the Big House. Chiron and Mr. D are waiting for you" "Great, thanks." 

Percy Jackson: Daughter of ShadowsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang