8. We Get Donuts and I Get a New Jacket

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"Percy, just get the damn pegasus some donuts!" I yelled, gripping onto Percy's shoulders. "But the van-" "I've got it handled. Land!" I stared at the sky. "Zephyr, you owe me for getting you out of trouble with Apollo, stop that van!" The winds bounced around, nodding. The winds shifted and threw the van to the donut shop. Percy stared at me. "Favor from an immortal. Land!" Percy nodded and landed on the shop's roof. "What the Hades?!" Thalia stumbled out of the van. "What happened?" Bianca came out behind her, covering her mouth. "Hey!" I jumped off the roof. "You..." Zoe growled, climbing out. "Nice to see you too, Zoe. How strange, I thought you were headed to the Washington Monument?" "You threw the van?" Thalia asked, confused. "Eh, more or less. Favor from an immortal, the usual" Bianca and Zoe stared at me. "You get favors from immortals?!" "More like I previously acquired them a couple years back. That was Zephyr, the West Wind" Zoe's eyes bulged. "How on earth-" "Got him out of trouble with Apollo" Percy stood behind me, confused. "Why was he in trouble with Apollo?" I shook my head. 

 "Hyacinthus was a lover of Apollo, one of the only ones that actually liked him. He and Apollo had a great romance, but Zephyr got jealous. He wanted Hyacinthus, but Apollo refused to give him to him. So, when Apollo was teaching Hyacinthus to throw a discus, Zephyr caused the discus to strike him in the head, killing him. Apollo cursed Zephyr; he wanted him to pay. As you know, it's possible to kill an immortal. But Eros took him in, kept him safe. Eros had made Apollo fall in love with Daphne a couple of decades back, Apollo hated him as well. Even today, Zephyr's very name can anger Apollo. So, I made a deal. In return for attempting to marry me, Apollo had to agree to not attack Zephyr should they ever meet again. In return, Zephyr would help me with anything I asked him to" Percy was shocked, but Bianca was in awe. "That's so cool!" I smiled. "Let's get donuts and coffee, we can talk more inside" Zoe huffed but agreed. We headed inside. "Lilly!" "Damnit" I cursed under my breath. A boy came running up to us. "Lilly, who's-" Percy began, but the boy laughed. "Have you never told them about me?" I growled. "Why should I? You tried to kill me, and then tried to marry me!" Zoe and Bianca recoiled in horror. "Who is this, Lilly?" I groaned. "Meet Orion, yes, named after that Orion, a former friend of mine" "YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH THIS IDIOT?!" Zoe yelled. "Unfortunately," I turned to Orion. "What do you want?" Orion snickered. "Nothing, although I wouldn't mind having your little friend here" He stared at Bianca. "Hey, cute-" I slammed him against the wall, my dagger at his throat. "Touch her or any of my friends, and I will have Thanatos take your soul" Orion gulped. "Oy! Leave them alone!" 

 Someone stepped out from behind the counter. "Boss!" Orion ducked out from under my dagger. "This crazy woman tried to kill me-" "Don't lie to me, Orion" They growled. Orion shivered. "You're fired. Leave now. If I catch you skulking around, I will slit your throat here and now" "Yes, boss" Orion ran out of the shop. "Apologies for him. I'm Charley, they/them, nice to meet you" They held out their hand. I shook it. "Thank you" "Demigods?" Zoe looked surprised. "How did you-" Charley laughed. "Child of Ares, Nightshade. Hunters of Artemis and campers, that's unusual" They laughed. Bianca smiled. Even Zoe seemed normal, or at least not murderous. "Anyways, what can I get you lot?" I counted. Grover, Zoe, Bianca, Viktor, Percy, Thalia, and me. "Six hot chocolates, one dozen donuts, and a peppermint chocolate cake pop, thanks" Charley nodded and went to make the drinks. "Who's going to pay-" Bianca began. I pulled my wallet out of my duffel bag. "My treat" "No, you can-" "I can, and I will. Zoe, bring all of them outside, wait there. I need to talk to Charley" Zoe nodded and brought everyone outside. 

 "Hey, you need something?" Charley asked, serving someone their cappuccino. "Yeah. How do you know that creep?"  "I could ask you that same question. Lilly Black, right?" I took a step back. "How did you-" "You've killed my old man twice; you're well known among his children. What are you doing with a bunch of campers and Hunters?" I sighed. "Long story" Charley glared at me; they really were a child of Ares. "Paraphrase" I groaned. "Artemis went after some monster, she's now captured, Percy-" "Jackson?" "Yeah, don't interrupt. His 'girlfriend', Annabeth, got captured by a manticore a while back. So now we're all going after her and Artemis" Charley shrugged and poured milk into a cup. "So, you're basically a babysitter for a bunch of overly murderous girls and demigods. Lovely" They handed me a drink carrier, a box, and a small paper bag. "Tell them I say hi, see you!" "Bye." 

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