12. Wait, What Just Happened?

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That's when Medusa screamed. "What the-" I looked up and saw a helicopter falling out of the sky. "Bloody 'ell" I cursed. Percy covered his mouth, trying to stifle both his laugh and fear at the same time. "How about you save 'er with Chase, Jackson?" I said, a vein twitching in my forehead. Annabeth and Percy blinked. "What, you going to make fun of the way I talk, I'm going to force you two to handle your crazy mortal friend" "Isn't Viktor yours?" I grimaced. "Yes, I suppose so" I said, staring up at the helicopter. "Just get her" Annabeth nodded and hopped onto Porkpie. I turned to Antonio and Medusa. "Go to Celeste and Zoe, tell them to bring everyone to the Plaza" I pressed a scrap of paper into Medusa's hand. "Give that to Circe and Zoe. The two of them can revive any half-bloods who have died, no matter if they're friend or foe" "I saw Celeste earlier, she was trying to convince Alabaster to join us, it isn't going too well" I nodded. "Go see to it. I've got another problem to attend to" "Might I ask what exactly that is?" Chiron asked. I looked up at him. "I've got a date with the beginning of everything themself" Medusa stared at me. "You mean-" "Chaos, that's right. And I'm late." 

   Here's something not many people know about Olympus: there's a pomegranate tree grove next to Demeter's temple. A reminder, to never let her other children 'suffer' the same fate Persephone did. Ironic, considering the fact that in the original mythos, Persephone went down to the Underworld by herself and decided to stay. (According to my mother, my father was already a huge dork, I can't imagine what he acted like when a maiden of Olympus came down to his realm and decided to stay there with him. Especially coming from the man that named his giant three-headed dog 'Spot') I walked over to the tallest one in the grove and sat at the bottom. "Hey, Chaos, I'm heeeeeeere. You going to show yourself or what?" 

      "You never did master the art of patience, did you, daughter of Hades?" A crack opened in the ground and a puddle of darkness climbed out of it. "And you still look as horrible as the last time we met" The puddle arched into a more human shape, kind of like a zombie. It arched its back and looked at me. "You remember?" "I was thirteen, in Tartarus, your boyfriend's domain, and you scared the hell out of me. I think I'd remember that" Chaos smiled. "You were a curious teenager" "Who's to say I'm not?" "Why, how dare you? Also, Tartarus is not my boyfriend" "But Nyx is your daughter, correct?" They nodded. "Sometimes, I wonder if she didn't turn out the way she could've because I wasn't the best parent" "You can't blame yourself for how she turned out, Chaos" "Just like how your father can't blame himself?" Chaos asked. "More or less" "Either way, why have you contacted me?" "I request a boon" Chaos raised an eyebrow. (Yes, they have eyebrows. They also have an undercut, silver eyes, freckles, moles, and gray skin. Also, their hair is light blue) "What sort of boon?" "One that can get us around killing Luke but also destroy Kronos" Chaos shook their head. "I'm afraid that's not possible. Your friend, Rachel Dare, has seen the future" "How-" "She bares the same curse May Castellan bore. She has the gift of prophecy. She has seen something horrible coming. Something that you can fix, but it will also turn the tide of the war" I sighed. "Thanks for the chat, although it wasn't much help" "I disagree" Chaos said, waving their hand. A large red velvet cupcake appeared in their hand. "I gave you everything you need to make the right choice" "Were you always this cryptic or just with me?" "Always. It's what used to piss off Tartarus the most about me" They smiled sadly. "Maybe after this you can start over, make a new life. There's always that possibility" Chaos stared at me. "You really thing that I, the literal start of the universe itself, can have a second chance at life" I shrugged. "Anything's possible" Chaos grinned. "There may just be hope for you yet. Give Percy Jackson my regards. He'll need it for what is to come." 

   Chaos, you couldn't have warned me that you meant a fucking DRAKON??????

   Rachel was safe, thank the gods. Percy and Annabeth on the other hand....

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