9. C. C's Resort and Spa. Viktor Makes a Very Lovely Guinea Pig

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Why.do.I.always.say.things.that.go.to.Hades?! "What the heck is that?" Percy asked, pointing towards... "Charybdis, the sister of Scylla. The only way to get to the Sea of Monsters" Viktor explained. "Just blow a hole right through it" I said. Clarisse grinned. "I like you, Black" Percy gave me a shocked look. "Why does Clarisse like you?" "Long story" "Lilly..." I groaned. "Alright, fine! I did her a tiny favor. That's the most you're getting" "Full reverse!" Clarisse yelled. The boat rocked back and forth. "What the hell?" "Aiming for Charybdis" Clarisse said. "Are you crazy?" "I thought you were the one people were supposed to say that to" "Good one. But still, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" "Scylla's too high up to shoot, Charybdis I can blow to bits. Aim!" 

 Less than five minutes later. 

 "Regretting this now?" I said, clinging to the side of the boat. "Hahaha, very funny. The engine's about to blow!" "Where's Tyson?" Percy asked. "Who chose to let him fix the ship?" Annabeth said. "We need to abandon ship!" One of the zombies yelled. "Tyson!" Percy yelled. He threw Annabeth the thermos. "Get the other boat. I'll get Tyson" "The heat will kill you!" Annabeth screamed, but Percy took off running. I tossed Viktor my swords. "I'll get him, get Annabeth to the boat" "Lil-" "GO!" He dove over the edge into the boat. "Percy!" I called, running to the helm. "Percy!" KAROOM! The engine room burst. "Percy!" "Lilly!" He ran to me. "Tyson..." "I know, but we've got to get off this boat. Come on" A new explosion sounded from somewhere else. Hermes thermos being opened from the lifeboat.  Percy and I fell overboard, Percy clinging to my torso, trying not to think about Tyson. 

  I woke up in a boat, Percy, Annabeth, and Viktor beside me. "What happened?" I asked, sitting up. "How the hell are you not fazed by this?" "Not the first time I've fallen off a boat, probably won't be the last. Now, what happened?" "We pulled you aboard. Poseidon seems to have remembered your threats from last year. How did you not die?" "Remember? Took a dip in the River Styx?" "You've never mentioned that" Annabeth said. "Yes, I did. Viktor and I both did. Not to mention, we're the only ones who know where our Achille's spot is, along with how to block attacks for that area" "What is it?" "Not telling-" "I'll tell mine. My left shoulder, easy to protect, at least better than a heel" "That's pretty accurate" "Mhm" "Viktor!" "What?" Viktor asked. "Don't tell them!" "Why?" "Aughh" I slumped onto his shoulder. Percy snickered. "What?" "Are you two dating?" I blushed. "Why the Hades are you asking that?" "Shut up, there's an island over there." 

 "Welcome!" said the lady at the front desk. We'd found a spa after getting off the boat. "I have a bad feeling about this place" I whispered, leaning into Viktor. "Calm down, it's a spa, what's the worst that could happen?" "Um, how about all of us getting killed?!" "C.C..." 

 Why do I never trust my gut?

  C.C, turned out to be Circe, and now she was trying to keep me and Annabeth at the spa. "This, this is why we listen to the crazy one!" I said, backing away from Circe. "Come, child. You're much better off without that boy" "That boy is the only person I trust in the entire world, and I'd rather die than leave him. So, turn him and Percy back or else" "Or else what?" "I've got a few other children of Hecate who would love to do me a favor. So..." Circe growled. "Real lady like, witch! Fight me!" "Can we not yell that at the sorceress?" Annabeth asked, grabbing one of the books off the shelf. "Oh, and what's your plan? Throw a dictionary at her?" "Maybe?" I sighed. "Look, Circe, I'm tired, I want to get back on a boat, and take a long, nice nap. Perhaps we can work something else?" Circe sat down. "Alright, name your price" "Viktor and Percy, turned back in full, and I will... give you a nice new place to stay, away from the island, you won't have to be stuck here forever" Circe tilted her head. "And what about the others?" "You can leave them. Give them to kindergarten classes or something" Circe nodded. "Alright then. Give them one of your multivitamins" "Okay..." Annabeth said, pouring two in. "No, Annabeth!" But too late. Two of the other guinea pigs had gotten hold of them. They grew into grown men and shattered the cage. "I recognize you! Edward Teach, son of Ares?" Annabeth said. "Aye, lass," he growled. "Though most call me Blackbeard!" Circe looked terrified. I grasped her hands. "Get the rest of your accomplices out. Wait in the lobby" She nodded and ran out of the room. I grabbed two of the guinea pigs on the ground. Viktor looked very lovely. "You make a very nice guinea pig" I gave him and Percy a multivitamin. They shifted back into their forms. "What took you so long?" Viktor asked, crawling around, looking for his cane. "Long story, we need to run. Now" 

   We got out to the lobby, Blackbeard and his men locked in the study. "Circe!" I yelled, skidding into the hallway. "Are they gone?" she asked, covering the other women with her arms. "Not gone, just locked in the study. Come on!" I pulled the rest of them out of the lobby, along with Percy, Annabeth, and Viktor. We ran out to the beach. "Why do you not have a boat?!" I yelled. "We're not allowed off the island" One of the girls was trembling, she couldn't have been more than fourteen. I noticed a boat floating in the distance. Queen Anne's Revenge... "Get to that boat, post-haste!" I yelled, pulling Annabeth and Percy to the boat. "What about you two?" Percy asked, pointing to me and Viktor. "We're staying here, going to handle Blackbeard and his crew. You guys take Circe and her accomplices and find a space where they can use their magic. Hang on a sec" I knelt by the water. "Triton, mind helping me out?" The water shook and sprouted several small boats, colored sea-foam green with white sails. "Thanks. Ladies, on the boats, now!" They all got onto the boats, Circe in the back. She grabbed my hands. "Good luck, Lilly" "Thanks. Now go! Percy, Annabeth, now!" They boarded their boat just as Blackbeard and the crew busted through the doors. "Arr! Get the cripple!" Viktor threw his sword into the air. "Try me" 

I'm starting to regret this whole quest.                                  

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