1. I Break Every Bone in My Body

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  That's the sound that comes from a daughter of Hades body when her ribs get crushed by the Greek equivalent of Godzilla. "Damn you!" I screamed, struggling to get away from Typhon. Sorry, let me break this down for you. About a year ago, I made the rather stupid decision to go after Typhon so that the Olympians (My very annoying family), would have time to prepare. Unfortunately, Typhon is the worst monster ever created, (Thank you, Gaea) so that made my life hell. I ran through the woods, hiding under a fallen tree. Typhon roared and stormed away, searching for me elsewhere. I sighed and came out from under the tree. My ribs were sore and bruised, and my leg was bleeding out. I tore open my bag and pulled out a vial of nectar. I poured it onto my leg and winced in pain. Gods, what was this, round thirty-three? I had gotten a break for a couple months, but still had to chase after him and stop him from wrecking an entire town. I heard Typhon roar in the distance. I smirked. "Round thirty-four then." 

   Typhon snarled, trying to catch me while I leapt from treetop to treetop, dodging his blows. "Over here, dipshit!" I yelled, diving to the ground. Typhon growled and tried to grab me. I stabbed my sword into his hand and ran around him. Typhon roared in pain and tried to catch me. I slipped between his legs and stabbed him in heel. Typhon roared, slamming his fist onto the ground. "Bingo," I muttered, jumping onto it. I ran up Typhon's arm, dodging his attempts to flick me off. I slashed his neck, sliding down his chest. Typhon roared and grabbed me by the leg. "Shit" I said, digging my boot into his palm. Typhon held me above his mouth, dangling me a few feet above it. "Hell no, I am not going to be a fucking Dunkaroo for some overgrown lizard!" I shouted, biting down on his finger. Typhon roared and I fell to the ground. My entire body groaned in pain as I felt a few of my bones shatter. Typhon stomped around. I rolled away, trying to stay out of his reach.  "Fuck" I muttered, getting up. I looked between the branches. The gods were still stuck behind my barrier. Hera was banging on it, trying to get through. Poseidon was sending a tidal wave towards it. "Oh, no you don't" I said, waving my hand. The wave crashed into Ares chariot, barely rocking it.  "Lilly!" Apollo screamed through the barrier. "Don't do this!" "Fuck off, Apollo!" I yelled. "I can handle myself" "Lilly, please! You can't keep this up! Stop it, please!" Aphrodite yelled, thrusting her spear into the barrier. I walked right up to the barrier. "You all need to leave, now. You'll know when you can interfere. Think of this as like a second Trojan War. Gods can't interfere" Thunder rumbled above Zeus. "How dare you presume to tell us what to do" Lightning flashed around me. "I will do as I please, Zeus. I do not need the King of Olympus permission to fight whoever I want" I said, turning around. "Lilly, please" Ares said. I glanced back. "I plan on fighting Typhon until I can't. When that happens, the barrier will come down and you all will be free to take him on. If I die," I said, looking at Ares and Hera. "Bring my body back to Camp Half-Blood. Tell them this: I do not want a funeral. I am to be buried in the ground next to my mother Los Angles. If they wish to honor me in any way, that is fine, but tell them that they do not have to " Ares shook his head. "Or you could tell them yourself" I smirked. "You and I both know that isn't happening, Ares" I said, and then, Typhon slammed me into the trees, shattering every bone in my body. 

 "LILLY!" Ares yelled, running around the barrier towards me. "Augh" I mumbled. I tried to lift my arms. "AUGHHHH!" I screamed. "Lilly, let us in!" Aphrodite pleaded, murder gleaming in her eyes. "No.... can't... promised...." "You promised Viktor you wouldn't go too far" Ares said, kneeling next to me on the other side. "Honor your promise. Let. Us. In" I nodded. The barrier dissolved in a shower of black ash. The gods rode in, attacking Typhon from every side. Artemis and Apollo knelt by my side. Apollo fixed my body, his eyes glowing gold. "Your bones are fixed now, but you're still bleeding in some spots" "Nothing nectar can't fix" I said, sitting up. Artemis grabbed my hand. "Go," she said, pressing something into my hand. I looked at my palm. A tiny stone sat in my hand. "What-" "It'll take you to somewhere where you are needed. When there, do as you must. Go back to camp, do not turn back. Help fight Kronos and win for yourself and who you love, not Olympus" Artemis said, standing up. She looked on as Zeus sent a lightning bolt straight into Typhon's sweet spot. "We will fight here. Your battle is yet to come. Go, and help your friends make it through this alive" Her bow appeared in her hand. "GO!" I nodded and threw the stone down.

   To make a very terrifying story short, I wound up falling through the sky, heading right for the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. I noticed a boat smoking in the water. The Princess Andromeda. "Zephyr? Can you get me safely to there?" I asked, still falling. The winds shifted and Zephyr appeared. He had pale skin with bright blue eyes and eagle wings. "Where to, your Highness?" Thunder rumbled above us. "Don't start. Just get me to the wreckage, I can handle the rest" "Got it" Zephyr said, flying me down. I dove into the water. I looked around. Burning sheets of metal and wood swirled around me. I blew a bubble and fitted it over my head. I spotted a body at the bottom of the ocean. I swan towards it, terrified.

  Steven Rodriguez couldn't have said it better. "In all my years of living, it isn't very often that I get pissed off. I try to chill with the waves, but damn you crossed the line" Charles Beckendorf laid at the bottom of the ocean, a thick layer of ash and charcoal covering his body. "Gods damn it" I said, picking him up. I placed my hand on his chest. There wasn't a pulse. I sighed. "Well, here goes nothing" My hands glowed with white energy as Beckendorf's heart started up again. His eyes flickered open. He looked at me and tried to open his mouth. I covered it. "Don't open your mouth. We're still underwater. Hang on a sec" I sighed. I never showed this to anyone except Viktor. My shoulders arched as gray wings protruded from my back, spreading out to their full length. Beckendorf stared at them in shock. "Yeah," I said. "I have wings. Welcome to my life. Now, you might want to hang on" I slung Beckendorf onto my back and shot into the air. We shot out of the water, my wings flapping at his sides. "Lilly?" Beckendorf muttered. "How did you-" "Typhon pretty much wrecked my body, so Artemis sent me here. Good thing she did, apparently" "Yeah, no kidding" I hoisted him up. "Also, isn't Silena going to kill you?" Beckendorf blushed. "Crap, you're right, she is. That's going to hurt" I laughed. "Maybe she'll go easy on you" "Why?" "Because I'm already tired, and I'm ninety percent sure that you and I are both going to collapse the second we make it to camp." 

  Boy, was I glad to be right.  I flew over Camp Half-Blood, circling the area. A few campers pointed to me, flagging me down. I dove down and crash-landed right in front of Chiron, Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse, and Silena, who was sobbing. Beckendorf slid off my back, trying to regain his balance. "Charlie?" Silena said, staring at him. "Silena...." "CHARLIE!" Silena ran to him, tears streaming down her face. Beckendorf picked her up and spun her around. He set her back down. Silena sobbed. "I thought... Percy said...." "I know. I'm sorry, Silena-" Silena pressed her finger to his lips and kissed him. He kissed her back, his hands in her hair. "Agh, shit, get a room you two" I groaned, trying to stand. "Lilly, what happened?" Chiron asked, his eyes wide. "Typhon-" "The gods got him" I said, wincing in pain. "Artemis got me out of there, and I found Beckendorf. Bringing back one person's a whole lot easier than reviving a thousand" I said, just before everything went black. 

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