10. We Finally Get to Polyphemus (Hahaha, Clarisse's in a Wedding Dress!)

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"You think you can take us, little girl? Cripple?" Blackbeard scoffed. "You do understand that your ship is literally called Queen Anne's Revenge? Or is your brain too small to understand that?" I said, swinging my sword. Blackbeard snickered. "Whatever, tiny girl. My men and I will beat you and your pathetic cripple friend. Actually, never mind. He's at least a man, we can spare hi-" 

  Viktor hit him in the nuts. The rest of his men ran for their lives while Viktor continuously kicked Blackbeard. He was crying and covering his face. "Alright, Viktor, that's enough, let him up" I said, pulling Viktor away from him. "Lilly, why are you sparing him?" I laughed. "I'm not sparing him, you doof! I want a turn, scoot over" Viktor grinned and moved to the left. I stepped on his face, squishing it into the ground. "So, how do you want to do this?" "Pathe-tic gi-rl... I-will-destroy-you-YOWCH!" Blood poured out of his arm. "Viktor!" "What?" Viktor asked, cleaning his sword. "Never mind. Just tie him up, I think I have some rope in my bag" I searched the beach for a boat. "Viktor! Get over here!" "What?" Viktor came running up to me. "Where's Blackbeard?" "Don't worry about him," His clothes were covered in blood. "Did you find a boat?" "Um, yeah, over here" I pointed to a large white ship with baby-blue sails. "That'll do. Let's go" Viktor climbed aboard. "Are we not going to talk abou-" "About what?" "Nothing. Let's just go" "Where are we going exactly?" "The Sea of Monsters, obviously. We need to get to Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse and Grover" "So, we're just rushing straight into what is possibly going to be the worst possible situation we've ever been in?" "How so?" "Well, A. We know Polyphemus. B. We told Percy and Annabeth where he is. And C, GROVER IS THERE, IN A WEDDING DRESS, AND POLYPHEMUS THINKS THAT HE'S A LADY CYCLOPS!" "Calm down, I've already heard from Polyphemus via dreams, and he's not going to eat Grover" "Thanks the gods. We need to get going, now." 

 Two hours later

 "BWHAHAHA!" "Oh, shut up, Black" Clarisse said, wearing a torn wedding dress. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just... hahaha! This is priceless" "Lilly, knock it off. Clarisse, come here, I'll cut it off of you" Viktor knelt next to her, cutting the dress apart. "Tell anyone about this-" "Calm down, Clarisse, I owe you one. Especially for not telling a certain someone about me killing you dad for the second time" "Second time? When was the fir-" "Shhh. Where's Percy and Annabeth? Where's Grover?" "With Polyphemus. Should I blind him again?" "No, no, that's the last thing you need to do" "Nobody!" came a voice from the other room. "Oh no! Viktor, get her down and hurry!" I ran into the other room to find Annabeth teasing Polyphemus, shouting 'Nobody!', again and again. "Annabeth, stop!" I shouted. "Lilly?" Percy said. "Yeah, it's me! Annabeth, please shut up!" "Why, it's working!" "Um, because I don't want to explain to Athena, along with the Medusa deal from last summer, that her daughter died because she was acting crazy!" "Lilly!" Polyphemus said. I buried my face in my hands. "Um, Lilly? Do you know him?" "Somewhat" "Oh gods, please tell me you didn't date him" "Dear gods no! Do you think I date every immortal I meet? If I did, I would've probably slept with Ares, Apollo, Poseidon, Helios, Triton, and every other male immortal I've met. For god's sake, I'd be Luke's stepmother if I did!" "Oh, sorry" "It's fine. Polyphemus? Let Annabeth go and get her down" "Fine. You do know I wasn't going to eat the satyr, right?" "I know" "You knew! Why didn't you tell us?" "It's called keeping you safe, Jackson. Now, get your girlfriend-" "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Percy yelled. "Alright, alright, don't lose your hair. Just get Annabeth" Percy grabbed Annabeth and pulled her away from Polyphemus. "How... do you two know each other?" "Long story" I said. "Yes, one we don't have time for" Polyphemus added. "Oh, for god's sake, you two" Viktor said, Clarisse behind him. "Percy, find Grover. I'll explain. It all happened when we were nine..." 

7 years ago

 ' "Lilly, why are we here?" "Because, Viktor, we need to find Polyphemus. Poseidon isn't going to be any use, so we're going to do this ourselves" "Sigh, fine" "Hahaha!" We turned a corner to find some demigods around a fire, something in chains behind them. "We got ourselves a good catch, boys! A Cyclops for all this? I'll take it!" "That's right, Jake, and best part, we can force this monster to do stuff for us. It's paradise!" "What are they talking about?" "Something about a Cyclops, hang on, I'll try to get a closer look" Lilly moved around the corner to find the demigods with a chained-up Polyphemus beside them. "What the hell?" I whispered, slinking next to her. "Do you have a plan?" "No, what about you?" "I've got an idea, but it's slightly crazy" "I'm good with crazy, let's do it. Do we need anything?" "Just distract them, I'll handle the rest" She moved around behind Jake and motioned for me to go. "Hey" The demigods turned to me. "What do you want, cripple?" "Didn't care for that with my parents, don't care for it now" "What are you doing here?" Jake asked, taking a swig of beer. "Got lost. What is this place?" "Sea of Monsters, what does it look like?" "Never mind. Mind if I take a swig?" "Sure, go on" "Lilly, now!" Lilly flew up behind them and the fire disappeared. "Who the hell are-" "Demigods, you have defiled this place. I am the goddess of this island, daughter of Oceanus, Titan of the Seas. You have disturbed my sisters and my domain, and you shall face the consequences" The demigods cowered in fear and fell to their knees. "Please, o goddess, spare us! We didn't know! Please have mercy" "Too late" The waves rose and submerged them. "You have angered the gods of the sea, and my father is not as forgiving as I" The waves dissolved to reveal three skeletons, beer bottles surrounding them. Lilly fell back down to the ground. "Lilly!" I caught her. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Free Polyphemus" I cut the chains off of Polyphemus and stepped back. "Hey, Polyphemus" "What do you want, demigod?" "To not get killed, thank you?" "Sounds fine. Go on your way now" "Wait just a moment there. How about we come to an agreement?" Polyphemus stopped. "What sort of agreement? The last time-" "The last time, you attempted to make a deal with Odysseus, who was a world-class jerk. Here are my conditions. Viktor and I get off this island, alive, and I give you the ability to not have people be terrified of you forever. Deal?" Polyphemus thought about it and shook her hand. "Deal" 

"And that's how we met Polyphemus. After that, Lilly shrunk him down to a more human form, and he got the rights to any spoils of war we get. So that's that" Viktor said, sitting down. Polyphemus was now 6'5 and dressed in gray sweats and a blue hoodie. "Yep, that's how it went. Viktor, can I talk to you for a moment? After that, I'll get you on your way."

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