3. Tyson Gets Claimed, and I Try Not to Kill Our Activities Director

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If I can name one thing I will always laugh at about Perseus Jackson, it's when he had to show Tyson around the camp. Tyson kept asking "Whasthat? Whasthat?" I tried not to keel over laughing when we got to the Big House. Chiron was packing his saddlebags, listening to 1960's music. "Hey, Chiron" I said. "Pony!" Tyson exclaimed. "I beg your pardon? Oh, hello, Lilly" Chiron was the activities director at Camp Half-Blood. He had a dark brown beard and hair, and from the waist down was a white stallion. Long story short, he's a centaur, he's a centaur, people. "Where the Hades do you think you're going?" Chiron gave me a sad smile. "I'm afraid I have been ordered to leave camp, child" "WHAT????!!!!" "Please lower your voice" Chiron pleaded. "Why? This doesn't have something to do with Thalia's tree, does it?" "Pony?" Tyson said. "My dear young Cyclops! I am a centaur" My hands shook with rage. "Did Dionysus order this?" "Lilly, please be reason-" "So it WAS him, ey? Oh, I'll have his head!" "Lilly!!!!!!!" Percy yelled.  I stormed off towards the pavilion. Dionysus was sitting at the head table next to Tantalus, I recognized him from Thanatos's description. 

  "Ah, if it isn't Lilac Bloo-" "IT IS LILLY BLACK, YOU SON OF A BITCH. HOW DARE YOU BLAME CHIRON FOR THE POISON IN THALIA'S TREE. I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! I SHOULD CAST YOU INTO TARTARUS, YOU NASTY, DIRTY, LYING ASS!!!" Dionysus trembled.  "W-Well, someone had to take responsibility-" "SO YOU BLAME CHIRON?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW STUPID YOU SOUND?!" I heard Percy whisper "Are we sure she's not a daughter of Ares? Or a minor god of wrath?" "Percy, if she was a daughter of Ares, that would mean she killed her own father last summer" Annabeth sighed a bit too loud. All of the campers stared at me. Tantalus grinned. "So, you killed Ares, ey, Black?" I resisted the urge to sink my sword straight into his neck. "Pretty high talk for someone who thought he could outsmart the gods, Tantalus. At least I could keep my word" Tantalus shook with rage. "You only got off with luck-" "With luck, my ass. You're just upset that I could do the one thing you couldn't. Trick the gods, my friend, and you failed, miserably" I smirked. "At least Hades wasn't stupid enough to try to kill me or my friends. So why don't you just keep trying to grab that goblet, huh?" 

  Dinner was okay for the most part. But, of course, Dionysus and Tantalus had to ruin my good mood. Tantalus was trying to decide where to place Tyson. Hermes Cabin wouldn't take him, nor was he allowed to stay in the stables. Suddenly, the entire camp gasped. I looked at Tyson and cursed in Greek. "Thank you, Poseidon, for making my life so easy" A glowing green trident was slowly dissolving above Tyson's head. "Well! I think we know where to place the beast now! By the gods, I can see the family resemblance!" Tantalus said. The entire camp broke into laughter. Percy stayed silent, but I knew what he was thinking. He had a Cyclops for a half-brother.

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