4. I have coffee with Medusa

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"How did you know that?" Annabeth asked. "It's in regular English, you shouldn't have been able to read it" "How do I explain this... I'm not dyslexic. I only have ADHD, not both" I explained, packing my bag back up. "How?" Grover asked, swallowing the apple core. "I don't know. My mom could see through the Mist really well. Like she could identify the Gods in their mortal forms, it's how she met my old man" Percy stared at me, surprised. "What?" I asked, heaving my bag onto my shoulder. "It's nothing, never mind" "No, not never mind. Tell me" "How are you still a demigod then?" "Um, I can make fire out of nothing, manipulate water, summon items, I have superspeed and strength, and I've raised the dead multiple times. I think I' m a demigod" "That shouldn't be possible," said Annabeth. "How come?" "Demigods can't- aren't supposed to do stuff like that! It's not normal" "Well, here's the thing, Annabeth. I don't follow rules, and I love chaos, so doing stuff that's "not normal" or "not supposed to be able to do" is kind of my thing" Annabeth sighed and turned to Viktor. "How do you handle her?" Viktor smirked. "Lots and lots of quests and dealing with monsters. Tends to give her something to vent her emotions in" "How so?" Percy asked, confused. "What I mean is, as long as there's a monster or monsters, to destroy, Lilly's temper stays neutral. I mean, her hairs only caught fire once and she's only stolen a couple of godly weapons when she got angry, but other than that, she's mostly neutral" Annabeth, Grover, and Percy stared at the two of us with horrified looks. "You've stolen some gods weapons?!" Grover shouted. "Shhhh!!! Yes, I've stolen a couple of the gods items. Hermes winged shoes, couple of Ares spears, Aphrodite's belt, and some of Poseidon's spare tridents, you know, tiny things" I slid my sword back into its scabbard. "Now come on. We've got to head to Aunty Em's."

 When we got to Aunty Em's, Grover screamed. "What?" I asked. "That statue looks like my Uncle Ferdinand!" He pointed to a statue of a satyr outside the store. "Huh. Good likeness" Grover stared at me, tears welling in his eyes. "Oh gods, Grover, I'm sorry. Look, let's just get inside the shop and figure out what to do from here, okay?" Grover nodded. "Good. Now, come on" We opened the warehouse store. Grover stopped outside. "What?" "I smell monsters" "Your nose is clogged from the Furies. Happens to me all the time. All I smell is burgers. Aren't you hungry?" "Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian" "You eat cheese enchiladas and tin cans" Percy reminded him. "Those are vegetables. Come on, let's leave. The statues...they're looking at me" I grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt.  "Come on. Someone just answered the door" A Middle Eastern woman stood in the doorway. She was wearing a black veil and long dress. "Welcome-" "Cut the crap, lady. Let us in. We don't have much time. My friend here is injured" Viktor pulled up his shirt to reveal a large gash, blood pouring out of it. "How did you-" "Shut up" I said, heaving Viktor through the door. The woman backed out of the way. "W-Welcome" she said, rushing after us. I laid Viktor down on a table. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked the woman, shaking my head towards the kitchen. "Of course," The woman followed me into the kitchen. "Look, I'm only pretending to not recognize you so they wouldn't flip out. You're Medusa, right? " The woman looked shocked. "Why would you assume-" "I could hear the hissing coming from your veil the second you came through the doorway. Plus, the whole place reeks of youth and old age, it's coming from the statues" Medusa sighed. "I should have known. I suppose I'll have to kill you now" She began to take off her veil. "Whoa, whoa, hang on a minute. How about we have coffee, I have some, and we talk about this, okay?" Medusa shifted her veil. "I suppose that would be fine. Do you have any sandwiches or cakes? "I have cookies" "What kind?" "Chocolate chip and ambrosia" "That will be fine" A loud noise came from the door. Annabeth, Percy, and Grover came charging in. "Leave her alone, Medusa!" Percy yelled, unsheathing Riptide. "Whoa, whoa! Calm down! It's fine, it's fine, don't kill her." 

 "Why not?" Grover asked. "She's killed millions!" "They're not dead, just stuck in stone. Their souls aren't gone yet" I said, grabbing his baseball bat. "Now, if you don't mind, I've met Medusa before. We're fine" I turned back to Medusa. "Sorry about that. Shall we?" "Yes, thank you" Medusa said, shifting her veil uncomfortably. I lead the rest of them to the table Viktor was lying on. "Oh, hey, Medusa" he said, pulling a canteen of nectar out of his bag. Medusa smiled at him. "Your friend is quite nice. Lovely manners" "Yeah, I'd personally prefer it if he was a bit ruder, but my opinion, not yours" I pulled out the bag of cookies from my bag along with the bottles of coffee. "Thank you" Medusa said, sitting down. "It's been so long since anyone's bothered to be nice to me" "I can't imagine why" Percy said. Medusa glared at him. "At least your namesake had manners" she huffed. "Mhm" I said, biting into a cookie.  Medusa took a sip of coffee. "What are you going to talk to me about?" "Well, we are on a quest, and we might need your head" "Ah, I see. And you'd like me to give it to you?" "I'd like your consent to take it, yes" "Well, at least you asked" "Will you?" I asked, chugging some coffee. "I suppose I can. If you give me something in return" "What?" "Clear my name with Athena. Tell her I was telling the truth about Poseidon's assault on me, and when I come back from Tartarus, my allegiance will be with you" I held out my hand. "Done" Medusa took it. "Well then, one of you will need to take it off. I'd prefer you to use a sword" "Percy, Riptide" Percy unsheathed his blade and brought it down on Medusa's neck. Her head landed onto the table. "See, was that so hard?" Percy jumped away from the table. "Would you still have done that if-" "I still would have done it. Poseidon raped her, and Athena punished Medusa rather than him. I was going to offer that either way" "Of course, sorry" "Don't be. Here, Percy. Take it" I wrapped the head up and handed it to Percy. He grabbed a box and shoved it inside. He headed to the cash register and came back with twenty dollars, a few golden drachmas, and some packing slips for Hermes Overnight Express. He filled the little money pouch with the drachmas and filled out the slip.

                                                                          THE GODS

                                                                   MOUNT OLYMPUS 

                                            600th FLOOR, EMPIRE STATE BUILDING

                                                                   NEW YORK, NY

                                                            WITH BEST WISHES,

                                                                 Percy Jackson

 "Not bad, Jackson. You've got a natural gift for pissing off the gods" "Please stop looking so happy about that" Annabeth and Grover said in union. "Calm down, it's fine. Come on. We need a new plan." 

Percy Jackson: Daughter of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now