4. The Oracle Takes a Stroll

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Finding out that one of your friends is thinking about becoming a Hunter is one thing. Keeping the guy that likes her from murdering the other Hunters one eternal maiden at a time, on the other hand... "Per-cy! Think-umf! This-OW! THROUGH!" I yelled, Percy hitting and kicking me in the gut. "I'm going to kill those Hunters" "No, you're not. You're not angry at them, you're angry at Annabeth" "What?" I knelt down and held his hands. "You're angry with her for not telling you. And you're scared of her leaving you behind" Percy sniffed. He hugged me. "Mhm" I rubbed his back. "Now go and talk to the Oracle, see if she knows anything" Percy ran off towards the Big House. The Stoll's snickered behind me. "Tell anyone about this, and I'll rip your ears off and personally feed them to Cerberus" They ran off. "How is it you can be caring one moment, and then murderous the next?" Viktor asked, coming up behind me with two hot chocolates. His without whipped cream, mine with. "It's my personality. You can deal with it or leave me alone, pick one, people" Viktor laughed. "Sure, sure. Remember that when you're playing Capture-the-Flag tonight" I groaned. "Why am I-" "The Hunters are playing..." I spat out my hot chocolate. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" 

 Dinner was relatively decent that night. Thank the gods for coffee. Viktor looked terrified when I grabbed my third chalice. "What? Capture-the-Flag's tonight, and I have no intention of doing it without coffee" Viktor shook his head and popped a strawberry into his mouth. "Just don't maim or kill anyone tonight, okay? I'm working with Chiron as battlefield medic, and I don't want to sew anyone's arms back on" "Fine, fine" Viktor picked up his chalice. "Wait, doesn't that mean you'll have to deal with the Ares cabin's injuries?" Viktor blinked and immediately said," Triple shot espresso with ice and cream" "There we go." I ripped off a piece of chicken. "It's going to be a fun one tonight." 

 Capture-the-Flag, I wish I had taken Viktor's place. Mine and Percy's team consisted of a few Aphrodite kids, Charles Beckendorf and the Hephaestus kids, the Stoll twins and Nico, a few Ares kids, and Thalia. I groaned when I noticed we had both the Aphrodite and Hephaestus cabins on our team. I had had too many bad experiences with that group. But luckily, Silena Beauregard and Beckendorf seemed to get along well. Thalia already had her Aegis shield ready for battle. Nico was ecstatic about the games. Percy was trying to explain everything to him, and he raised his voice a little. "Percy, I'll handle this, okay?" Percy nodded and went to handle the Stoll brothers. "Hey, Nico. What were you talking to Percy about?" He shook his head. "It's stupid" "Tell me, I live for stupid. I mean, most of the gods are stupid, so..." Nico smiled. "I was just thinking that it would be cool if we could just die and other demigods could just revive us, it's stupid" I looked around. Everyone was busy. "Hey, Nico" "Yeah?" "Find me a dead bug or something, hurry" Nico looked confused but ran out of the tent. He came back with a dead... cat. 

 "How the heck did you-" "It was in the woods" I shook my head. "Never mind. Just watch this" A purple smoke swirled around my hand and glowed. I held it above the cat and muttered a spell. The cat's chest rose. It came back to life, covered in mud and matted fur. It purred and hopped down onto the ground. It wrapped itself around Nico's legs, purring. "How did-" I blew my hand off. "Sometimes, people are afraid of what they don't understand" I tussled his hair. "Never change because people tell you you're supposed to be a certain way" He nodded and drew his sword. "Hang on" I grabbed a vial out of my pocket. "Take this and pour it on your sword. It'll give you more strength. Use it well." 

 Boy, did he ever. Capture-the-Flag was going great. Nico had used the vial and was fighting off a few Hunters. Everything was going great until we got to the Hunters base. Thalia and Percy were fighting, gods know why. Thalia roared and sent a shock into Percy. "Sorry!" Thalia said. "I didn't mean to-" Percy caused the creek to pour on top of her. "Yeah, I didn't mean to either" The fight escalated quickly. "Thalia! Percy! Enough!" Chiron yelled. The fighting was giving me a headache. "ENOUGH!" I yelled, and black flames split the two apart and then sputtered out. "Lilly, how di-" Chiron began, but suddenly went silent. I turned around and saw the Oracle talking to Zoe. "What must I do to help my goddess?" Zoe asked, trembling. The Oracle opened her mouth, and green smoke poured out and swirled around her. 

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, 

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail, 

The Titan's curse must two withstand, 

And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

The smoke disappeared and the Oracle sat down on a rock. "Well, this should be fun."  

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