14. Percy's Prophecy Comes True, and I Meet My Mother's Back-up Singer

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"You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend" That was the second to last line of Percy's prophecy, and it hadn't made sense until Annabeth came running to me and Chiron saying that Percy had been found turning green to gray on the lake's shore. We followed her to the infirmary where Will Solace was covering Percy in bandages. Son of Apollo, very easy to tell. His little blond tuff of hair was barely visible above the cot. "Come on kid, I'll get you something to drink" I said, letting Chiron and Annabeth have a moment to speak with Percy alone. "Will Percy be okay?" Will asked. "Of course, I mean, you saw how many bandages you put on him, he'll be fine. I love the music themed bandages" "Thanks" Will said, taking the apple juice. "Well then, let's get back to your cabin. I need to ask your siblings something." 

     I came back to Chiron, Annabeth, and Percy after asking the Apollo cabin about Percy. "Pit scorpion bite?" "Yeah" "Great. Who?" "Number one, how is that great, and two, Luke" Percy said. "Well, A, pit scorpion venom is an easy fix. And B, not surprised. Chiron, I was right" Chiron stared at me. "About what?" "Kronos. Luke's serving him, isn't he?" Percy nodded. "Great. So, add 'War against the gods' to my very long list of stuff to handle" "Who said anything about you doing this alone?" Mr. D came into the room carrying a Merlot. "Well, much like your futile attempts at breaking your father's spell, a full-on attack on Olympus would be extremely stupid, so Luke's more than likely going to start gathering up other half-bloods. Starting with the children of unrecognized minor gods, and then he'll more than likely start recruiting less peaceful Titans" I sighed. "I'm going to have to call in so many favors" "HOW MANY GODS OWE YOU FAVORS?!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Roughly about three-quarters. Minus Zeus and a couple of enemy Titans, like Hyperion and well, Kronos" Chiron sighed. "And you believe you can take on an army of Titans and demigods?" "So what? I don't belong here at camp; Dionysus has made that quite clear. So, I will be handling this alone" Mr. D swallowed. "I never said you weren't allowed at camp" "Remind me what the first thing you did when Viktor and I came into camp for the first time? Oh, right, you insulted me and took a shot at him. So, forgive me if I don't feel welcome here" "Lilly wait!" Percy yelled. "What?" "You made a promise to me" I smiled. "Well done, Jackson. Alright, but that's it. I'm gone after this" Chiron stepped in front of me. "Wait" "Why?" He handed me a pamphlet for Camp Half-Blood. "You're always welcome to come back here whenever you like" "Thanks, Chiron" I grabbed my swords. "Let's go, Jackson." 

    We got to Percy and his mom's apartment by pegasus. (Would've been a lot easier just to walk, but Chion insisted) Percy led the way to his building. "Mom, I'm home!" A tall, brown-haired woman came out from the kitchen. I understood why Percy wanted to save her. "Percy, why are you here? Not that I'm not pleased to see you" She hugged her son. "Mom, this is Lilly" "Lilly Black, pleasure" Miss Jackson looked surprised. "What is it, Mom?" Percy asked. "You... You wouldn't happen to be Amethyst Black's daughter, would you?" "She was my mother. Did you know her?" Miss Jackson smiled. "I was one of her backup singers in our band back in high school" "You knew her mother, Mom?" "Yes, and I was her best friend. I walked her down the aisle on her wedding day" "Wedding Day? Gods don't marry mortals, Miss Jackson" "Call me Sally, dear, and that's true, but luckily for your father and mother, his immortal wife was fine with it, and he was mortal at the time, so it worked out" I stepped back. "I-I have to go" I started to head out the door when Sally grabbed my hand. "Please stay. I owe that much to your mother. She helped me meet Poseidon, and I helped her buy her house" I stopped. "You bought my house?" "Well, I contributed to it. Okay, I gave her my entire college fund" I smiled. "Thanks, Sally. But I have a friend back at ca-" A raven flew in through the window. A letter was attached to its leg. I took the letter. 'Dear Lilly, Chiron told me about Percy and Luke. I'll be fine, stay in the city as long as you like. I'll stay in the cabin. Miss you, Viktor'. 

 "Good news, I can stay" Sally clapped her hands together. "That's wonderful, sweetheart. You can share Percy's room if you'd like" "No thank you, I'm fine. I'll take the couch" Not bad. Please, gods, don't let this go bad. 

Percy Jackson: Daughter of ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora