5. Percy and Zoe Get into a Fight, and I Get Them Doughnuts

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While Percy and Grover carried the Oracle back to the Big House attic, I got busy fighting with Chiron. "Why does it matter how I did it? We just got a prophecy about Artemis and Annabeth, and all you care about is how I did something I've been able to do since I was ten! Let's go find Annabeth!" "Lilly, causing flames like those are not normal demigod powers. Are you sure you don't know who your fa-" "I don't give a damn about my bastard of a father, nor will I ever. As far as I'm aware, I'm not his daughter" Chiron gave me a concerned look and then shook his head. "Very well. I shall call a coun-" "LILAC BLOOM!" Mr. D came running towards us. "What is it, Dionysus?" Chiron asked, startled. "This one," He pointed at me. "Told Circe to send us a baby! That her and her women found outside the Underworld!" "Oh, shut up. The baby's a daughter of Hecate, she won't cause trouble. I just knew it was better than letting Circe try to take care of her" Mr. D growled, his eyes filled with purple fire. "'Shut up?' Do you know that-" "You're a god, you can smite me, blah blah blah, I know the threat. Go ahead and ask your brother Ares how that worked out for him" I said, giving him a smug smile. Chiron got between me and Mr. D before he could rip my throat out. "Keep the child at the Big House. Lilly, what do you intend for us to do with her?" "Keep her at camp. But so help me," I glared at Mr. D. "If you hurt her, I will have your head served to me on a silver platter by Ganymede himself." 

 Chiron called the council moments later. Percy, Zoe Nightshade, Bianca, Thalia, Silena, Beckendorf, Connor and Travis Stoll, and Grover sat around the table. Dionysus and Chiron sat at the head of the table. I sat next to Chiron and Viktor sat next to me, his hand on my leg. Dionysus waved his hand and Cheese Whiz, crackers, and red wine appeared. I rolled my eyes and waved my hand. The wine turned to Coke and coffee. The baby was lying on a pool table behind Zoe. Better than nothing, I guess. Zoe began to speak, but I beat her to the chase. "Look, we're all here for one reason. The prophecy is clearly about Artemis and Annabeth's whereabouts. I say we take three from camp and two Hunters and set west" "And what would you do?" Percy asked. "You've always come on the quests" "Taking five is already risky, throw me in, and Chaos will ensue. You saw how badly Luke wanted to kill me in summer, I doubt he wants me alive now" "I wonder why" Mr. D said, taking a sip of Coke. I glared at him. "Really? I wonder if Hera could say the same about you" Dionysus slammed his can down. "Alright," Viktor said, sticking his cane between us. "Everyone calm down. Lilly, take a breath. Mr. D, Lilly's right, it's the best plan. Percy," He turned to Percy. "Lilly is wrong, I hate to admit it. We will naturally come on the quest" "No!" Zoe exclaimed. "We do not need thy help" "Your" Thalia corrected, annoyed. "Thalia" I said warningly. "What?" "Be nice. I don't want to scrape your remains off the ceiling" The Stoll twins snickered. "I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. You are both male and more at risk for the Hunters to kill" They gulped. "Alright" Viktor said, attempting to restore peace. "Who will go on the quest?" 

  A large fight ensued. Zoe was refusing to take Percy on the quest, and Percy was getting rather pissed. Mr. D, obviously, was no help. He just picked up the Wine Connoisseur and was flipping through the pages. Viktor and Chiron looked tense. "What do we do?" Viktor whispered to me. "If Zoe keeps refusing, we'll take Percy with us when we sneak after them, if that is your plan" Viktor nodded. The Coke was swirling around Percy, he looked like he wanted to grab one of the pool sticks and run Zoe through with it. I waved my hand and a box of doughnuts appeared. "Enough, both of you" I said, glaring down the table. Zoe and Percy stopped fighting. "Now, everyone grab a fricking donut and take a fricking chill pill" Zoe grumbled and took a glazed. Percy looked at the box. I gave him a small smile. "There's a blue one" He lunged for the box and snagged the blue donut. I took a glazed chocolate cake and took a bite. "Now, Percy, if Zoe does not wish for you to come, so be it" "But-" "And Zoe," I gave her a piercing look. "You could stand to be a little polite. No one here is trying to offend you, take a breath" Zoe glared at her donut. "Fine" She got up and Bianca followed. The council dispersed but Chiron held me back. "Lilly, what is your plan?" "Please clarify, I have multiple plans going at the moment, doesn't mean I'm going to follow them" Chiron sighed. "For two of them. The baby and this quest" I picked the baby off of the pool table. She got her mother's black hair, but she had brilliant black eyes. Her skin was olive colored and covered in freckles. "You take care of her till I get back. As for the quest," I grabbed a pool stick and turned it into a mace. "I'm going to follow the group, along with Viktor and Percy, and hopefully, we're not going to die." 

Percy Jackson: Daughter of ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora