11. We See Tyson Again and I Slap Luke

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 "So, is this just your guy's thing? You meet immortals, get them out of trouble, and then make deals?" Annabeth asked. "Not entirely. Only in some cases. And in those, we normally get off better than them" Viktor explained, pulling Grover along. Grover, on the other hand, was a whimpering mess. "Oh, calm down, goat boy. Polyphemus was never going to eat you in the first place" I shouted, pulling him away from Viktor. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Needed to get here first, mostly so I didn't accidentally shoot one of you on the head" "Why would you shoot us in the head!?" Percy asked. "On accident, remember that when you need me" Annabeth sighed. "Hurry up!" Polyphemus pulled me and Viktor towards her. "They're coming, hang on a sec" "Wow, is he always like this?" Annabeth asked. "Yep. Also, he has a couple of gallons of spiced nectar hidden away somewhere around here" "Spiced nectar?" "Yeah, you take nectar, add water, to get rid of the harmful, flammable stuff in it, and then you add cinnamon, nutmeg, and some vanilla, and you have the best drink on the planet" "Where the Hades can we get this stuff?" Clarisse asked. "Polyphemus? Where the hell is the spiced nectar?" "Hang on, the stupid satyr isn't willing to budge. Can you get him?" "Sure. Oy, Grover! Get over here!" "Cy-Cyclops..." "Yes, he's a Cyclops, well done, you can see, now hurry the f up" "Here you go, one barrel of spiced nectar" Polyphemus said, setting down the barrel. Clarisse popped the cork open and took a swig. "Whoo, that's good stuff! I'm bringing the rest of this for the Ares Cabin! Let's go, losers!" She climbed aboard the ship. "Brother!" Tyson came running up from behind the ship. "TYSON?!" Percy yelled. "Hello, brother!" Polyphemus leaned over to me. "You know this Cyclops?" "Yeah, he's Percy's and your brother. Son of Poseidon, blah blah blah, the usual bloodline for a Cyclops" "Accurate, where you headed now?" "Miami. Can you get us there?" "It's a stretch, but I can pull it off. Get your friends on the ship and tell them to hold on" I gathered up the group. "Get on the damn ship, and hold on" "Why?" Grover asked. "Polyphemus is getting us to Miami. Now get on the boat, goat boy" Grover groaned and followed me and the rest of the group onto the boat. "Hang on." 

 Miami, June eighteenth, 10:00am

  "Percy, wake up" Annabeth said, splashing water onto Percy's face. "Wha... what time is it?" "About ten AM, you passed out on the boat. You fell off and a hippocampus had to bring you to the shoreline. Except for I had to pull you to the beach because of all the pollution, so thanks for that" I said, standing up. "Why the heck are you angry?" Grover asked. "Because it's important to get you back to Camp Half-Blood, and I have no interest in getting caught here by some god, especially not Ares, again" "Again? What do we mean by again?" Polyphemus asked. "AHHHH!" Annabeth and Grover yelled. "What are you doing here?" Viktor asked. "I'm tired, I needed to get off my island. Mind if I come with you to camp?" "Absolutely n-" "Hell yeah!" Clarisse said. "What?" Percy yelled. "I need a decent opponent to fight, and Cyclopes are known for being crazy strong, so it works out" "By the way, here's the Fleece" Viktor said, passing Clarisse the Fleece. "How did you-" "Long story, let's get you to the airport" "We don't have mon-" "One hundred, two hundred, and three hundred! There you go, get yourself a ticket, and get back to Long Island. Go, go, go!" I said, handing her the cash. "Hang on a minute!" Percy called. "What is it, Jackson?" Clarisse growled. "What was your prophecy?" Clarisse sighed and then recited:

                                      "You shall set sail with warriors of bone,

                                       You shall find what you seek and make it your own,

                                        But despair for your life entombed within stone,

                                           And fail without friends, to fly home alone." 

  "Well, that got dark" Polyphemus said. "Yeah" Clarisse said, pulling me aside. "Thanks, for not, you know, telling them about my dad" "Anytime. And if he gives you trouble again, tell me, I'll kick his ass" Clarisse grinned. "Sure" She picked me up, squeezing me. "What the-" "Just go with it" I said, choking. "Cla-risse, ribs, ribs, ow, ow, ow" "Sorry" She put me down. "Got to go!" She ran off with the Fleece and boarded a cab. "Come on, let's find another way home" Percy said, turning around. A sword blade was at his throat.

 "Hey cuz, welcome back to the States" Luke said, tilting his sword. His bear goons surrounded us. "Hey, asshole" I said. "Ah, Lilly, you're here too, brilliant" Luke said.  "Why?" "Well, I'm guessing you have the Fleece" "Hahahaha!" I burst into laughter. "What?" "You, you think I have the Fleece? Hahaha! You really are an idiot" "You gave... you trusted..." "Yeah, well done, you figured it out" Percy snarked. "How dare you!" Luke yelled, lunging. I flipped a drachma into the sea. 'Oh goddess, accept my offering' The coin turned into a rainbow. "You tricked all of us!" Percy yelled, catching on. "EVEN DIONYSUS AT CAMP HALF-BLOOD!" The Iris-message sparkled and showed Camp Half-Blood, showing directly into the dining pavilion, right next to the Big House table. "Hey, Dionysus, Tantalus. Did you hear all that?" "Yes, we did" Dionysus said. "Could be a trick" Tantalus said, attempting to snatch a cheeseburger off the plates in front of him. "I fear not" Dionysus sighed. "Accurate as always, Mr. D. Now hurry up and get rid of that jerk and reinstate Chiron" Luke groaned. "You always have to ruin everything, Black. No wonder your father never claimed y-" I slapped him around the face. "Shut up. Percy, my swords. I'm about to carve this little shit into a million pieces. Hurry up!" 

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