3. Things Get Heated

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Seeing Chiron holding the literal god of chaos and madness away from a fight is, to this day, the best thing I have ever seen. "Lilly? A little help here?" Chiron pleaded, struggling to pull Mr. D away from Kelli and Tammi. Tammi hissed and shot fire at Mr. D's table. The littered Diet coke bottles caught fire and began to burn through the table. "Okay, that's enough!" I yelled. Mr. D stopped struggling against Chiron. Tammi and Kelli hissed and sat down. "Good" I waved my hand at the flames. Water shot out of my palm and doused the fire, putting it out. "Can someone explain to me why I am having to break up a fight between a full-grown god and two empousa?" Mr. D huffed and summoned another Diet Coke into existence. "I could ask you something similar. Why did you spare them? They're monsters" I groaned and sat down. "You are the god of madness and chaos. Surely you can guess?" Mr. D thought for a moment. "Nope, no clue" I sighed. "One, I love chaos, and your fight definitely qualifies as chaotic. Two, they work for Kronos. By sparing them, I have the high ground and can question them. Plus," I pulled an envelope out of my pocket. "I have something to negotiate with." 

  Kelli and Tammi licked their lips. "What is it?" Tammi asked. "First, you'll need to answer my questions. Then we can come to a deal. Kelli, you're one of Hecate's immortal children, right?" Mr. D blinked. "I'm sorry, WHAT?" "You didn't know? Hecate had plenty of kids. Medea, Circe, Lamia, and the empousa are her children. I've already met Circe, and I can say without a doubt that I prefer her children over her" "Many of her children-" "Have gone to work for Luke, that is a lie. I contacted Hecate last winter; she has already agreed to spy on and swear false allegiance to Kronos for me. Her children are under the same allegiance. Circe is contacting her other siblings to get aid for our cause. Kelli and Tammi are daughters of Hecate, and henceforth fall under that category. Now, back to my questions. Where's Luke and why is he sending monsters after camp?" Kelli and Tammi sat back. "Tell us what's in the envelope and we'll tell you" "The same thing I've promised all of the other people I've made deals with. Tell me what I want to know or give me what I want, and you immediately fall under my protection. Even if Kronos or Luke find out, they will not be able to harm you" Kelli and Tammi exchanged looks. "Done. Luke's in the Labyrinth, he's searching for Ariadne's string. As for us, Luke sent us after you to stall you from getting to camp" "I suspected as much. You're free to go. Tell no one of this" Kelli nodded and grabbed the envelope. "How does it work?" "If Luke or Kronos tries to harm you for telling me this, open it and you will be sent to wherever I am at that very moment. I could be sleeping, and you'll appear. It will re-seal and you can use it as many times as you need. Circe, Polyphemus and Medusa also have one" Kelli and Tammi nodded and burst into flames, disappearing. 

 "What...how... when did..." Mr. D stuttered, trying to understand what happened. Chiron's lower half turned into wheelchair-form. "Lilly, what was that envelope?" I handed him one. "I made them a while back, after I got out of Tartarus the third time. I decided to give the people I made deals with an easy way to find me and get help" Chiron took tIhe envelope and examined it. "The seal..." "It's a peony, my birth flower. That's a snake, and that's an amethyst, for obvious reasons. I made it using some of Chris's stuff" Chiron tried to hand it back, but I pushed it back into his hand. "Keep it. It might come in useful if something happens if I'm ever gone from camp" Chiron smiled. "Thank you" "Of course. Come on, cousin" I grabbed Mr. D by the ear. "OW! What-" "Shut up. I need your help with something. Something that involves mental health, dreams, and chaos. I need you to block my father from my dreams." 

    Chiron stared at me. "Why would you need to block your father-" "He keeps trying to explain everything, I don't want to hear it. He hasn't earned my respect, and he may never. Need I remind you that the first time we met, I threw a rock at his face?" Chiron sighed. "Why ask me to do and not just go yell at him to knock it off?" Mr. D asked. "Because if I see his stupid face, Persephone is going to be a widow and I will be an orphan, so will Nico" Mr. D and Chiron exchanged looks and sighed. "Very well. But warning, side effects include nausea, fever, sweaty palms, and increased chances of passing out twenty-four hours after the enchantment is done. Also, I should probably tell-" Just then, a little girl in a way-too-big sweater burst into to the room.  "Lilly!" Zoe Nightshade, former Hunter of Artemis and daughter of Atlas came skidding into the room. She looked way different from how she did when I left last winter. She was wearing gray hoodie and white sweatpants covered in stains. Her hair was done up in a messy bun, and she had bags that could carry groceries under her eyes. "Okay, when I said, 'Could you watch her for me?', I didn't mean 'Run yourself ragged watching a baby and not get any sleep!' Have Mr. D and Chiron been helping you?" Zoe sighed. "Nonsense, I'm fine" "Zoe, you have eyebags that could carry Long Island, your clothes are a mess, and you look like you haven't showered in months. Give Chiron and Mr. D Lily, and let's get you cleaned up." 

 That's when a fire ball blasted through the window. 

 "What the-" I looked outside. The fire had come from the training arena. 

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