1. We Acquire New Demigods

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I hate school dances. A couple of weeks ago, my friend Grover, called me and Percy Jackson about a school he was at. Westover Hall, a military school. Never been a fan of military schools, personally. If you went to one, that's fine, your choices are yours, I can't dictate them. Sally Jackson, one of my mom's friends from high school dropped me, Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia off at Westover. "Do you have everything?" she asked as we took out our bags. "Yep, thanks, Sally" I said. "Lilly, wait" She grabbed my hand. "Protect Percy, please" I nodded. "Of course. I'll do everything I can" Sally smiled. "Thank you. And try not to kill anyone!" "I make no promises" I called back. Viktor, my best friend since we were five, along with my cabinmate, came up to us at the gates. "Thank the gods, you're all here" "What's up?" "Come in, Grover will explain" We went inside. "Whoa" Percy said. 'Whoa', didn't feel right to describe Westover Hall. It reminded me a bit of the Underworld and Thanatos's apartment. (Don't ask, long story) "What are you all doing here?" 

  A man with shaved hair dressed in camo army wear stood in front of us. A woman with gray hair stood next to him. "Mrs. Gottschalk, do you know these students?" "We live here" I said. "What?" "I'm in your class, straight A's, I got full marks on the last test" Mrs. Gottschalk did a double take before saying. "Ah, yes, I remember you! Such a delightful student. Dr. Thorn, they were just-" "Headed back to the gymnasium" Dr. Thorn grinned. "Right... Don't let me catch you out of the gymnasium again" "Yes sir" I pushed the rest of them to the gymnasium. "How did-" "I've made many cover stories before; this one was easy. Vik, where's Grover?"  My question was answered. Grover came hurrying up to us, panting. "Thank the gods you got here!" "Duh. What's up?" "I found two" "Half-bloods?" Percy asked. Grover nodded. "Brother and sister, ten and twelve" He pointed behind him. A girl with olive skin and black hair stood next to her brother, tucking her hair underneath a floppy green hat. The boy was playing with small statues and cards, he looked like his sister. "Parent?" "Unknown" "Great. Thanks a lot, gods!" "Shhhh!"  Grover covered my mouth. "We have to blend in. Dance, drink punch, do something!" Thalia grabbed Grover and headed to the dancefloor, Percy and Annabeth behind them. I walked up to Viktor. "What?" "You owe me a dance" He smirked. "Alright. But we don't entirely-" I whistled, and our outfits changed. 

  Viktor was in a pale blue suit, with white dress shoes and a laurel wreath around his head. "Lilly, look at you!" "What about me? I only asked for your outf-" I looked down and gasped. I was wearing a white chiton with purple gems. Amethysts... "You look stunning" Viktor said. I blushed. "Let's just dance, shall we?" He took my hand and whisked me onto the dance floor. 

  "Lilly!" Grover came up behind me. "What?" I asked, spinning around. "The half-bloods, they're gone" "What!" I let go of Viktor's hand. "Where did they go?" "Grover said Dr. Thorn took them. He's the-" "Monster, yeah, I took a guess" I hitched up my dress and pulled a dagger out of my sandals. "What are you waiting for? Let's go kick some monster butt!" 

 Note to future self, never charge into a fight with a manticore.  Dr. Thorn had transformed into his manticore state. "For Zeus!" Thalia charged into battle. Viktor stood in front of Percy and the other half-bloods, Nico and Bianca. "A manticore?" Nico exclaimed. "He's got three thousand attack power and plus five to saving throws!" Bianca, on the other hand, was screaming. "What's happening? Who are you people?" I gave Viktor my dagger before he lunged at Dr. Thorn and knelt next to her. "I'm Lilly, and that's Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover. And that's Viktor, he's the one with the cane" "Yield!" Dr. Thorn yelled. "Never!" Thalia screamed, throwing her spear. I covered Bianca's eyes. "Don't look, this could get graphic" Nico peeked out from under my arm. "This is so cool!" I smiled. "Yeah? Well here," I gave him a small knife. "Take this and keep it safe, you might need it" Nico smiled and slid the knife into his boot. A hunting horn blew in the wind. "It can't be" Dr. Thorn said, right before a silver arrow sprouted from his shoulder. 

 "The Hunters!" Annabeth yelled. "Oh great" Thalia groaned. The archers came from the woods. I shielded Bianca and Nico. The last thing I wanted was for the Hunters to accidentally shoot one of them. "Permission to kill, my lady?" asked the girl in the front. She had copper colored skin and dark hair. A silver circlet with a crescent moon sat on top her hair, a silver bow and arrow on her back. "This is not fair!" Dr. Thorn screeched. "Direct interference! It is against the Ancient Laws" "Not so," said one of the girls. "The hunting of all wild beasts is within my sphere. And you, foul creature, are a wild beast" She looked at the girl with the circlet. "Zoe, permission granted" The manticore growled. "If I cannot have these alive, I shall have them dead!" He lunged at Thalia and Percy. "No!" I leapt towards Dr. Thorn, diving in front of them. Annabeth leapt up and drove her knife into the manticores mane. "Annabeth!" Percy yelled. The manticore roared and the Hunters took aim. I grabbed Zoe's bow. "Don't you dare" "Get out of the way, half-blood" "Make.Me" I growled, snapping her bow in half. Zoe gasped, but that didn't stop the other Hunters. Their arrows hit the manticore at every angle. Dr. Thorn roared. "This isn't the end, Huntress! You will pay!" And he dove into the darkness, Annabeth still on his back. "No!" Percy screamed, racing to the ledge. "You are in no condition to be hurling yourself off of cliffs" A girl grabbed his shoulder. "Let me go! Who do you think you are?" Percy screamed.  Zoe stepped towards him. "Watch it lady, or your bow won't be the only thing I break" I said, stepping in front of her. I turned to Percy. "Percy, meet Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon."  

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