22. The War Begins

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I came out of the kitchen, my eyes red and wet, but mostly fine. Chiron and Mr. D were sitting at the table, playing pinochle. "Lilly, are you alright?" Chiron asked, looking up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Where are Annabeth and Percy?" "They went to talk with Mr. Underwood. Do you need something?" "Yeah. Can you summon a council?" Mr. D looked up. "What type?" "Well, I'd prefer if you could convince some gods to show, I have a list. No, I don't wish to see Hades. Just Zeus and Athena, thanks" Mr. D shrugged. "I'll try. As for the rest of-" The baby came crawling out of the kitchen. "Speaking of matters to be discussed, we need to find out who the kids dad is" I picked up the tiny girl. I turned to Dionysus. "Anything to add?" Dionysus glared at me. "Her mother's Hecate, remember?" "So what? I don't know what gods do in their free time in private" "How... why would..." "Just call the council already. We need to get to work if Kronos is coming." 

   The council was ready moments later. Mr. D had managed to convince Zeus and Athena to show. (I'm going to assume that he mentioned I had literally killed him and Ares, I doubt Zeus protested after that) "What is this about, demigod?" Athena asked, taking a seat next to her father. "Well, we have much to discuss, Athena. For one, I have a few deals I need to finish. Two, a war is coming, as I'm sure you're aware. And three, unfortunately you and Zeus are the ones who hold the most power on Olympus, so I had to call you" I said, bouncing the baby on my leg. "What deals are you talking about?" Zeus demanded. "One that involves Medusa that I've put off for too long. Athena, you owe her an apology" "Why should I apologize, demigod? She broke her vows of celibacy in my own temple-" "SHE DID NO SUCH THING" An eerie cold filled the room. Viktor grabbed my arm. I took a breath. "Medusa was not lying about Poseidon's assault. And I for one find it incredibly stupid of the goddess of wisdom to not consider who she is related to. Your father is a giant serial rapist, and Poseidon holds the record for most demigod children, a majority of them involving rape. Why you would believe him over your own priestess is beyond me. And you Zeus," I faced him, murderous intent at the ready. "If you don't want a full-blown war if your father rises again after this, I suggest not abandoning your kids and giving the minor gods no credit. Thanks to your stupidity, I have had to call in several favors with the minor gods. If things go south, I can say with no regret that I will not defend you in the face of their anger" Athena looked taken aback. "I didn't... I didn't know..." "No, you chose to punish the victim instead of the criminal. You owe Medusa and her sisters an apology. Ironically, I get along with Ares the least out of all the gods besides the Big Three, yet for some reason he actually listens when I speak, along with the fact that he's the only god in the entire freaking pantheon that doesn't have a rape story. Along with my father in some cases. Only thing I can possibly like about him. Now, onto business." 

  Zeus and Athena left after I convinced ('cough' threatened 'cough') Zeus to let Ariadne stay at Camp Half-Blood with Dionysus. Athena vowed to apologize to Medusa the second she was revived. "What's your plan, Black?" Miranda Gardner from Demeter cabin asked. "I have a few plans actually. I've already contacted Chris and Eliza at Haven. They're preparing the demigods there to fight with help from Charley, a child of Ares I met at a coffee shop. They're one of the most experienced demigods in the States, they'll be one of our best fighters. On the other hand, Eros and Psyche live at Haven, so they've already decided to aid us. I'll get back in contact with Circe and Polyphemus, see if they're already ready or if they need to make the trip here" Chiron nodded. "And where will you stay? You're free to remain here if you wish-" "No. I'll be going with Percy to Sally's apartment. He still needs schooling, and I don't have dyslexia, so I should be able to help him. Meeting adjourned." 

  "Lilly! Wait a moment please!" Zoe ran after me. "Hey, what do you need?" "I don't know if you've heard, but Thalia's a Hunter now" "I knew. What about you?" Zoe shook her head. "I'm still immortal, I think your spell did something to it. I bleed ichor, so I cannot die. Thalia's lieutenant now, so I don't know what to do" I smiled. "You could stay here. I'm sure Artemis would be fine with it if you stayed in her cabin. If not, you can stay in mine if you'd like" Zoe kicked some dirt around. "I don't know" She was still wearing her Hunter gear. "Okay, one, change your clothes. Two, I mean it. Stay in my cabin if you want to, it's fine" Zoe smiled. "Thank you" That's when a lightbulb went off in my head. "Hey, can you do something for me?" "What?" I passed her the baby. "Can you watch her while I'm gone?" Zoe held the baby out, confused. "Why me?" "You're one of the only people here that I'd trust with a baby. I say you're the best option" Zoe smiled. "Alright. But does she have a name?" "No. Do you have an idea?" Zoe smiled at the baby. "Lily. After one of the greatest fighters, I've ever known." 

Percy Jackson: Daughter of Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें