12. Chiron, Polyphemus, and Annabeth Have to Pull Me Off of Percy

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"Lilly, please be sensible" Viktor said, attempting to grab my hand. "I am being sensible. Castellan thinks he can talk shit, he can have some back" "That makes no sense" "I know. Just give me my swords" Viktor sighed and motioned to Percy to hand them to me. "One on one, Castellan," I said, swinging one of the swords into the air. "Me against you" "Are you sure you wish to let her do this, Percy?" Luke said. Percy nodded. "What, are you afraid?" Luke growled. "Very well then! Argius, keep the rest of them in line." Argius had brought him a pegasus to escape on. He pointed his sword at my throat. "Let's see what you've got, Lilly Black" His sword clinked against mine, sending sparks flying. "Rahhh!" 

  "Lilly!" Annabeth yelled. "Finish him!" Polyphemus shouted, helping Tyson hold off Argius and Oreius. "Finished yet?" Luke asked, sidestepping. "I could do this all day" I lunged and sank my swords into his legs. Luke howled and threw me back. He swung and hit and my ribs. "AGHHHHHHH!" I fell to the ground. "Lilly!" Viktor yelled, racing towards me. "Stop" Luke commanded. He grabbed my head and turned it to him. "One last thing I want you to see before you die" He pointed Backbiter at Percy, Grover, and Annabeth. "Oreius, you can eat your dinner now. Bon appetit" "Hehe! Hehe!" Oreius cornered them. That's when all Hades broke loose. 

  A red arrow hit Oreius in the mouth. With a surprised look on his hairy face, he crumpled to dust. "Brother!" Argius wailed. He let go of the pegasus's reins and ran towards him. The pegasus kicked him in the shin and flew off.  "What the-" My question was quickly answered. Centaurs exploded onto the deck with such ferocity, Luke's men were stunned. "Attack, you fools!" Luke ordered his troops, climbing out of the pool. "Nope" Polyphemus threw him back. "Percy! And Lilly... How are you all here?" Chiron asked, coming up to us. "No time to explain, Chiron! Get the Party Ponies to get us out of here!" "Withdraw, brethren!" Chiron yelled. A palomino centaur hoisted Percy onto his back. "Get them out of here! Chiron, hurry!" "What about you?" "I'll be fine, just grab the rest of them and go!" "You won't get away with this, horse-man!" Luke yelled. I heard screams in the distance. "Oh, I think he will" Circe and her accomplices came running down to the beach, magic flying everywhere. "Strike, my sorceress's! For Hecate!" "For Hecate!" The women charged at Luke's army, turning them into plants and pigs one by one. "Circe!" Circe turned to me. "Lilly! You made it off my island!" "Yeah, now if you don't mind, can you handle this?" Circe grinned. "I would be honored" "Thanks. I'll keep my word" "I trust you will" She lunged at Luke, taking him down. I took off running after Chiron and the Party Ponies. "Retreat!" I heard Luke yell. 

"Lilly! Thank the gods you're all right!" Chiron said, trotting up to me. "I told you. Where's Percy?" Chiron's expression went dark. "What? He's not dead, is he?" "No, just... he might anger you, a little bit" "How? What did he do?" "He, uh, I think you should come see" I followed Chiron to Percy. He was lying on the ground, Polyphemus sitting next to him. "I don't understand, what happened?" "Well, Percy thought it would be a good idea to test out your swords and he, um, broke them" Chiron pointed at a pile of broken, Stygian iron fragments. "Lilly, I'm sor-" Percy began, but I tackled him to the ground. "Lilly! Get off of him!" Chiron shouted, grabbing my arm. He was joined by Annabeth and Polyphemus. "Guys, calm down, I'm fi-LILLY! STOP THAT! HAHAHA!" I got off of him. Annabeth looked confused. "What, did you think I was going to hurt him? He's thirteen, if he was my age, that would be a different story" "How old are you, exactly?" Grover asked. "Sixteen, but I'm stuck as a fifteen-year-old, due to my godly parent. No, it's not Hebe, I'd know, I've met her. Whew" I sat down. "Anyone got something to drink?" A centaur handed me a root beer. "Thanks" "Um, Lilly?" Percy asked. "Yeah?" "Do you know what Chiron's connection to Kronos is?" I spat out some of the root beer. "Why would you ask that?" "No reason" I wiped my mouth. "Percy, Kronos is Chiron's father" I held up the root-beer can. "Welcome to the club of Horrible Fathers, Chiron." 

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