Take em to school (Black Widow)

Start from the beginning

"Woaahhh, what is this?" Alexei asks as he looks at the inside of the car.

"Shut up!" Nat and Yelena tell him.

"Okay, okay." He replies with his hands up.

TJ appears in front of the car but quickly gets tackled by Y/N. He gets up and grabs him before throwing TJ across the field.

"GOOO!!!" Y/N yells as his eyes turn green and his teeth and claws elongate.

"HOOLLYY SHIITT!!" Alexei yells.

"OOHHH!!" Yelena lets out as she sees his teeth and claws.

Y/N runs up the car and jumps off of it as they drive away. TJ's eyes glow red as he blasts Y/N with heat vision. Knocking him back into the air only to be caught by JaeJae.

JaeJae lands on the ground as the two look at the three  men before them. There are only a few agents left as Wanda took out the rest already.

"Anyone have a battle plan?" Wanda asks as she holds her hands up.

"Yea." JaeJae replies.

"We fight." Y/N says before he speeds to TJ.

TJ ducks his wild swing before kicking him in the back. Y/N throws a backhand as he spins back to TJ but he isn't there.

TJ teleports to his other side and shoots his heat vision which sends Y/N back a few feet.

"You're not in there anymore are you?" Y/N asks as he eyes his adoptive brother.

TJ doesn't say anything he just stares back at him. Eyes showing no sign of emotion, no signs of a heart anywhere.

TJ teleports behind him before immediately teleporting in front of him. He punches him in the chest sending Y/N into Wanda.

Wanda makes the last agent pass out then Y/N comes flying into her. They collide making her hit the ground hard.

"WANDA!!" He yells as he puts her in his arms.

A scent hits his nose putting fear into his heart. He feels something wet on his hand as his heart speeds up.

"Wanda?" He asks as he removes his hand and sees blood.

JaeJae ducks the blue taskmaster's punch before blasting him in the chest. Sending him into the grey one before flying over to Y/N and Wanda. He sees her unconscious and the blood on Y/N's hand.

"Hey!" JaeJae calls out.

"HEY!!" He yells making Y/N turn to him.

"LISTEN, I GOT HER!! YOU GET RID OF THESE BASTARDS.. THAT IS NOT TJ ANYMORE!!" JaeJae yells at his best friend who visibly starts shaking.

Y/N carefully puts Wanda in his arms as he quickly flies away.

"What happened? Your little girlfriend got hurt?" The grey taskmaster says chuckling.

"Shouldn't have let her play with the big boys." He says making Y/N's eyes turn green.

The temperature in the area quickly starts to rise as Y/N gets angrier. The three look at him as they see green flames rising from the ground. TJ starts to raise his own fire as it matches the level Y/N's green flames are at.

Y/N's gloves start to burn off as his hands are now covered in green flames. He clenches his fist and yells into the sky.

"RAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" Y/N roars as a large amount of green fire appears around him.

Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader x MCU )Where stories live. Discover now